The only thing I take seriously is my Freedom. And Bacon.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My Parents Wouldn't Let Me Hang Out With Obama

My parents wouldn’t allow me to hang out with Obama when I was younger. Though it took me many years for the lessons, advice, and rules my parents drilled into my head, I finally understood them and now follow their wise words – which is ironic because though my mother and father would HIGHLY VOICE their displeasure if I were to befriend  Obama – my mother voted for him.
My parents taught me that you are who you hang around with. They disapproved of some of my friends, but compared to Obama’s friends, my “rough” friends were angels. Certainly they would never allow me to be friends with an American Terrorist like Bill Ayers, a leading member of the Weathermen Underground who bombed a dozen buildings between 1970-1974 and who threw Obama his first campaign fundraiser.  Nor would they approve of being friends with someone like Reverend Wright, who is racist and anti-Semite and has said: “God  damn white America, U.S. of KKKA,” America” and has preached, among other things, that the Government invented aids as a means of black genocide.  How about Louis Farrakhan, Leader of the Nation of Islam who stirs up racial divide and who said “The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man.” There is also Van Jones, an admitted Marxist, Communist, Socialist. And his pal Tony Rezko, who is now serving a prison sentence. There are many more, but suffice it to say, those are Obama’s friends, and my parents would have grounded me for life if I hung out with any of them, so certainly, I would not have been allowed to hang out with Obama.
My parents taught me to take responsibility for my actions. It took me a long time to learn that lesson – but I did. Unfortunately, the leader of our country seems to not have learned that lesson. He blames Bush for the troublesome economy. He blames the Arab Spring and tensions in the Mideast for gas prices. Whatever is going wrong, Obama is never responsible for it. Yet, in the case of Bin Laden, Obama took full responsibility, as if he had been holding the gun and fired the shot. He blames congress for not ‘getting things done’ yet, let’s not forget that the Democrats controlled congress the first two years of his term. A leader doesn’t blame, he takes responsibility, he leads. Obama throws his hands in the air and says, “Well, it’s not my fault! No one will work with me!” Could you imagine an NFL coach saying that and walking out on his team every time they lose? No, a leader works with what he has, he seeks to understand and negotiate – he inspires and motivates. He doesn’t make excuses.
My parents taught me not to be envious; if I wanted something, I had to work for it. Obama teaches that there is more reward in being poor than being rich. When you are poor, you are taken care of. When you mismanage your money, the Government bails you out. If you work hard and you’re successful, then Obama accuses you of having “too much” and takes away your success – giving it to those who are reckless.
My parents taught me not to be racist. Yet Obama, who promised to be a great uniter, has done nothing but divide this country by getting involved in police matters and calling the Boston Police Department’s actions “stupid” when investigating a possible break in at a black professors home. He commented on the fact that Trayvon Martin could have been his son; “he would have looked like me.” Why did he even bother to get involved in this case? Because it was in the news – because Reverend Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were stirring up the black VS white debate. It was a way to assure the black people would vote for him. He even went so far as to sell Obama 2012 Hoodies on the campaign website but took them down a few days later because of all the backlash and it appeared as if he was cashing in on the death of Martin. Yet the Black Panthers put out a bounty and call for Zimmerman’s death, and Obama remains silent! Obama’s  campaign website divides people into the following categories: African-Americans, Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders, Jewish Americans, Latinos, LGBT Americans, people of faith, veterans & military families, women and young Americans. Obama and his team identified sub-sections of the American population that he believes should be isolated and spoke down to in a way that is different from that of the general public - this creates division, fragmentation, and discord toward one another. It’s disturbing that Obama isolates ‘Jewish Americans’ separate from “people of faith.’ Does he not believe that Jews have faith? Why does he address ‘young Americans’ but not the largest pool of registered votes – those over 55 years of age.?  Yes, ‘women’ are important, but why is there not a category for ‘men’? Why no mention of ‘business owners’ or ‘disabled Americans’ or other groups? Obama’s categorization of Americans into distinct groups for political gain intentionally works to destroy everything the civil rights movement and Martin Luther King sought to create by inspiring equality and blindness toward differences. 
My parents taught me that actions speak louder than words. Obama is full of words- flowery speeches when read from a teleprompter – though severely lacking when not using the prompter. If he ‘walked his talk’ – America would be a much better place – but his actions differ vastly from his talk.
He allowed Eric Holder to reopen and investigate 101 cases of CIA agents who were involved in interrogating terrorists, a “CIA Witchhunt,” accusing them of torture. After 2 long years of harassing and causing the morale of the CIA to plummet, Holder dropped all but 2 cases, and is proceeding with charges in these cases.  Yet Obama and Holder, in a planned drone attack, authorized the killing of an American terrorist and his 16 year old son overseas without due process (no trial.) So ‘waterboarding’ is wrong, but killing is okay?
He promised to veto the NDAA which gives the government extreme power to indefinitely detain an American Citizen without a right to a fair trial – and instead quietly signed it into law on Dec 31, 2011. The ACLU is now suing Obama.
Obama said he wants America to be independent of foreign oil – yet he rejected the XL pipeline. In previous administrations 74% of all drilling permits were approved, Obama has only approved 34%.  Instead of investing in a known and abundant source of energy (oil) – he has wasted billions of tax payer dollars in investing in “Green” companies that have gone bankrupt. He approved of the EPA regulating the coal industry with such high standards that it will make coal plants obsolete, thus costing hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Obama says he wants to make America attractive for other countries to come to America and open a business – yet on April 1st – he raised the corporate tax to 39.2% - the highest corporate tax IN THE WORLD.
What business would want to come to America and pay that kind of tax?
It seems to me that everything Obama promises or says, his actions do the opposite. If you didn’t listen to any of Obama’s speeches and simply looked at what he has done on paper, you would think he is destroying America – you would think Obama is against Capitalism. You would think his vilifying of success always harping that it’s not fair for the successful to have more than others – you would think that he wanted to redistribute wealth as he saw fit.   You would think with the employment roadblocks he throws up – he actually is in favor of unemployment – for if you’re unemployed or under employed, you need to rely on the Government for assistance in the form of unemployment checks, welfare, or food stamps. You would think that his signing of NDAA and HR 347 (limiting free speech) and he granted the Govt far more intrusions into spying on a person than Bush ever did, that Obama’s goal was total Government control of the people – and that would be communism.
I was taught by my parents and by my school, that our Founding Fathers fought for this country, that blood was shed in this country in order to break free from an oppressive government. That America was about INDIVIDUAL freedom and liberty – what we can do to help ourselves and help others – not that we were collectively dependent on the government to control us.
A vote for Obama is a vote against America. A vote for Obama is regressing back to the 1700’s – when the people in this country were over taxed, over worked, and had little freedom.
Ironically, my parents would not have approved of me hanging out with Obama – he broke all the rules and advice they gave me. Yet my mom voted for him!
Well –I follow my parents advice to this day – and I will gladly follow one of my mom’s favorite phrases: “Do as I say, not as I do.”

***Please note, I sent this to my mom before publishing, and she wrote back and said: "I haven't had a chance to read this whole thing; however, what I did read made me appalled.
 Please take out references to 'My Parents' - your parents did not raise you to be a bigot, vindictive and spiteful. If you don't take out the references, please put in a disclaimer that your parents do not condone, endorse or agree with what you wrote."

At first, I was hurt, as my mother has done what every "tolerant" liberal has done, accused me of being racist  (though she is the first person to accuse me of being a bigot). A bigot is someone who, the more education or "facts" that are brought to light, the more the person refuses to accept or even open their mind to the possibility of that there is another side to a story. I have spent 3 months revisiting the Constitution, revisiting the American Revolution and the history of presidencies leading up to Obama. I've read books by Breitbart, Goldwater, and I'm reading "Blacklash" by Deenen Borelli now. I've watched ALL the news programs. I've tried to understand what liberals believe and why they believe it. But according to my mom, I didn't grow up in the 60's - so my opinion is incorrect, apparently, my mom, who is a voracious reader, doesn't believe I can learn anything by reading. Her letter, sadly, proves that the left are the most intolerable judgmental people - she calls me a bigot...yet she admits she didn't even READ the  whole essay!!! She didn't offer any sort of rebuttal - simply called me names. I'm quite accustomed to being attacked for fighting for freedom, liberty, and a return to the Constitution - but I have to admit, it did throw me for loop to be attacked by own flesh and blood. Well, I'm not gonna cry over it - as a matter of fact, it just solidifies I need to fight harder and louder.

“Bigot-A person who wins an argument with a liberal” - Rush Limbaugh