The only thing I take seriously is my Freedom. And Bacon.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Laura Freed - Hose For Happiness!

If I can't find something for you to be happy about - you probably suck.


  1. Forget about running for Prez in the US - come down and run for PM here in Australia! Seriously! Australians LOVE to be happy, but, sadly, there hasn't been too much to be happy about in Australian politics for a LONG time. And, we've already had a female PM, so Aussies will vote for another femPM - specially the fella's, if you are offering free beer (forget the martinis - beer!) Oh, and everyone has to vote, so you'll just have to run lots of ads, and .... well, you can see I am still brainstorming ways to get you back to Australia!

    Vote 1 - Laura Freed. Be happy.

    Carla :-)

  2. Carla - I would love to get back to Australia!!! Of course there would be free beer - and meat pies!
