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Thank You, Andrew, you are Epic! |
I've always had a cheerful spirit - and realized it stems from doing what I want and rebelling against those who try to put me in a box - it took me a hell of a long time to realize that the key to happiness is freedom.
As soon as I understood that w/o freedom - happiness is impossible - I realized that Democrats and Liberals are a threat to freedom. Dems and Libs think they know what is best for everyone - they penalize success, and promise people a 'safety' net - a safety net which in actuality is a spider web - trapping the individual and creating a state of dependency.
As 2011 came to a close - I decided in 2012 I would seek out as much knowledge as I could about politics. I would study history and read one book a week about politics and or history.
The first book I decided to read was Andrew Breitbart's Righteous Indignation. I choose it because I loved Andrews rebellious spirit. He wasn't afraid to speak his mind, to stand up to loud mouth hypocritical liberals.
Andrew's book was a great read - and to be honest, I've read others since his book, and none have had the PUNCH that Andrews had - none have been quite so interesting. Andrew was once a Democrat, but discovered, like so many others (like me!) that the liberal world is one full of "do as I say, not as I do" - Andrew was one of the first to realize that media and hollywood were being controlled by a liberal agenda - and that people like me (and you and your neighbors) were existing in state of ignorance - watching our reality TV or the Food Network...following our favorite sports teams, and tuning out the political bullshit. Hey, we still have our freedom!
And that's exactly what the politicians want you to do - tune out while they silently erode our freedoms in the form of regulations and place almost 1/2 this country in a state of welfare and dependency on the Government - by then it will be too late to realize our freedom has slowly declined.
Andrew recognized this -and after some serious soul searching and consideration - knowing that if he decided to expose the liberal left agenda he and his family would be the target of attacks - his easy going life would be turned upside down, filled with friction - but his passion for liberty and freedom was far too powerful to be pushed aside.
He gave up the easy road for the hard road - and he didn't just put one toe in the water to test it out, he cannon-balled.
I'd spent the good part of the last 4 years keeping my political beliefs on the downlow. Wouldn't want to offend the sea of blue liberals I live in.
And then I read Breitbart's book - he had so much more to lose than I did by wearing his politics on his sleeve... And hello...WTF, I always told people the key to happiness was to be themselves - and I believe that's an important key to happiness - but really, you can't be yourself if your freedom is taken away. So freedom is the key ingredient to happiness - much like juniper berries are the key ingredient to gin!
Andrew inspired me to bring my passion for freedom out of the closet. To speak up, speak out, and hopefully educate those who are living in a bubble of ignorance.
At the start of February, I'd decided to send one thank you note a week to people who had a positive impact on my life, people who inspired me. Andrew was the first person on my list.
I never sent it. I became sidetracked and didn't send any.
I always meant to send him out a tweet about how much his book had inspired me.
Didn't do that, either.
I meant to write a review of his book and post it on my website. Didn't do that.
I don't cry much.
Having been a paramedic, death doesn't really affect me - I feel it's part of life and though I feel a bit sad when I hear of someone passing - it's doesn't move me.
But when John came into my office and said, "You're going to be sad...did you hear the news?"
I had no idea what he was talking about.
You see, every month, I write out what I hope to accomplish for the month - and that's what I was doing - planning my future. Since I didn't send out any thank you for inspiring me cards last month - I re-listed it and starred it - to make sure I do it this month.
When he said Andrew Breitbart died, I thought he was joking.
I went to the living room and watched the news.
I cried.
I'm crying now.
I can't believe I'm upset as I am.
That just goes to show how much of an impact he had on my life.
He inspired me to wear my politics on my sleeve - to fight for freedom and fight against the forces that threaten the core of this country.
His untimely death inspires me to move "gratitude" to the top of my action list - and to keep Andrew's fight for the truth and for freedom alive.
Ok. Tears have been cried. Andrew wouldn't want that...you know what he'd want to hear? "Hey, you mother fucking liberal lying freedom destroying mother fucking democrats - don't think I'm gone - because I'm leaving an army of Liberty Loving Loud Mouths Who Are Going to Kick Your Mother Fucking Hypocritical Asses"
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