The only thing I take seriously is my Freedom. And Bacon.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Montgomery County Tea Party Protest Assaulted With Racist Accusations

A few members from the group Citizens for Liberty attended a peaceful Tea Party rally & were confronted by an misinformed angry man who jumped out his car & started shouting that the peaceful group were "RACIST MOTHERF***ERS" because they were protesting the ObamaCare Law & Big Gov't. The police were called as some protesters were older and quite shaken up. If you watch this video all the way through, you'll see that the infuriated man is eventually calmed by the protesters as they begin a dialogue on the President and his failed policies. What we don't see captured on camera was that the man eventually apologized and shook hands - hopefully he has a better understanding about the Tea Party and our mission to hold Government (all Government) accountable and reduce the size and intrusiveness of government.
If you're looking for a very active, youthful group with a Tea Party/Libertarian infusion, I can attest Citizens For Liberty is a great group! XO- Laura

"Bad policies have no skin color. We judge people by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin."