The only thing I take seriously is my Freedom. And Bacon.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 6 Belly Fat Cure. In Praise of Bacon and Broccoli.

I had this fantastic bacon/broccoli salad at Wegman's yesterday. I recreated it today and it. was. fabulous.
The thing I like about the Belly Fat Cure diet is that fat is okay in moderation. Not typically a broccoli fan but a little mayo/a little bacon grease (only about a tsp!) realllllllllllllly flavored the crunchy greens. I added tomatoes to make it more healthy and it was to die for!
Day 6. The biggest change is way more energy and in 6 days I've never felt bloated or weighed down after eating. Tomorrow I'll step back on the scale.
Breakfast - ham/cheese omlette
Lunch- Broccoli Bacon Salad
Dinner- home made tomato soup. Snack 2 mini muffins. Night cap: small vodka & Diet Coke

1 comment:

  1. I have a jar of bacon fat in my fridge and I need to start another because I can't...stop...making the bacon. I also can't stop shopping at Wegmans but that's a whole other problem. :)

    Congrats thus far, I wish I had your discipline!
