The only thing I take seriously is my Freedom. And Bacon.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

46 Days On Purpose



Even though I was raised Catholic, I am not religious. 

Spiritual, yes. Is there something more? Something that is unkowning? Yes, I believe there is. Our souls know. 

Just as we know in our gut what is wrong and what is right. wrong from right.  recognize. But these days there are Happiness Hijackers everywhere you turn. 

What is Happiness? 

Happiness is subjective. For me, being surrounded by color, and warmth, sunshine, and people that are quick to smile, to laugh, but also not afraid to tackle tough situations, make me happy. 

But deep happiness, happiness that I could find even if none of the things or people that make me happy were available, comes from living a life of purpose. 

Lent is meant as a time of reflection and repentance. I don't need the repentance part of it, because I'm well aware of mistakes I've made, and possibly am a bit too hard on myself and live with regret (I'm going to try and let that go for 46 days!). 

Lent starts 46 days prior to Easter Sunday, but in the religious tradition, it's only 40 days because Sundays are viewed as a "free" day, so to speak. But I won't be taking that "free" day. I know myself enough to know that when I'm on streak of aiming for a beautiful life (more on this later!), a small indulgence, or a skipped day of action, will quickly lead to my willpower dissolving as quickly as warm butter in a hot fry pan. 

I love a New Year. I love a New Month. I love a Monday. 

I live for the starts. The chapter openers. The hope. 

And so, for 46 days, I am committed to using the gifts that the Universe has granted me. I will use these days to aim for a beautiful life, more disciplined and purposeful. 

Almost all religion shares one same thread: To Be The Best Version You Can Be. 

And I think that's a theme we can all agree on, no matter what religion or spiritual practice (or non spiritual belief!) that separates us. 

Friday, August 16, 2024

The Cozy Christmas Cookbook

The Cozy Christmas Cookbook is like a little Hallmark Christmas Recipe book! (has this been done? If not, let's hope someone jumps on that idea!) - gives all the Christmas vibes with every page having a cute seasonal motif, The recipes are simple. Fun. Some with an holiday theme: like Rudolph's Reindeer Burgers (so cute). From apps to sweets, this little book is packed full of festive recipes! Including a spiced baked apple cider donut recipe that is WOW. 5/5 BUY Publish Date September 2024

Monday, August 12, 2024

Swan Song - Elin Hilderbrand

I love Elin Hilderbrand...which pains me to write this honest personal review: Not a Swan Song, more like a Turkey Screech. I was really disappointed in Swan Song. I've liked so many of Elin's books and always looked forward to them. The last few have injected politics into the fray, which totally distracts from the story. And it's as if her last book (supposedly final book, though she admits in the acknowledgements it might not be her last....The Tom Brady of Fiction?) she thought, "well, if I'm going out, might as well inject all my political ideals into the book! We had to slog through environmentalism, racism, lesbianism, inter-racial couples, and painting Southern upbringing as typical backwoods, backwards, blue collar, stupid people. But it's not like any of those topics helped the story or fit, it's as if she was using those topics to say, "Look how elitist and progressive I am!" She also had explict sex scenes which I don't remember in any of her previous books. And though there were only a few, WHY? A good author is able to leave details to the imagination of the reader. Once she got passed the progressive notes, the book turned into a delightful usual Elin novel. We focused on the characters, their drama, and things were going well in the middle of the book, and then it turned the last few chapters. Extremely rushed. The characters became caricatures. The ending was neatly wrapped up in three pages. Super disappointed. I usually can't put her books down...this one I put down so many times at being put off by the various things I mentioned, and then literally rolled my eyes at the ending. If you're a die hard Elin fan, by all means, you'll love it. If you are a discerning reader that dislikes tropes, skip it and choose any book of Elin's but Swan Song...