The only thing I take seriously is my Freedom. And Bacon.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

All The Timelines

 I published this on 9/16/21 prior to - (what I had envisioned to be) my extended winter/writing journey to Florida in winter of 2021. I like to understand ideas, culture, history, and political movements... and how they came to be. And, as we now know, history, and "facts" seem to depend on the storyteller. It shouldn't be that way, but it is. Anyway. I was working on a manuscript...spent years of reserach and it contained the answers to how America turned into a contradiction where evil is now considered good, and goodness is now considered evil. Every week there is a new FEAR being used to threaten Personal Freedom. People are unhappy, drifting, lack confidence and faith in themselves, and anxiety is the BIG WORD of the day: from people that seem to be not only pushing anxiety on you, but also promising the "cure" to ease that anxiety. It was tenatively titled "SOMETHING THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE."  

Always thinknig of the "what ifs", I was concerned that on my journey to Florida (with several stops along the way - West Virginia! Virginia! South Carolina (Bluffton and Greenville!), Florida: St. Augustine, Clearwater, Naples) the research I've worked so hard on might get lost or stolen. And so, I guess this is the last thing I wanted people to see if they bothered to look up "what ever happened to..." To be able to follow the timeline and figure things out (people love a good puzzle!). 

Though my timeline chart was also for me, in case I lost access to my work. My brain is like a garden these days...planted haphazardly, with periods of focus, but more so than not, periods of researching what to plant, where to buy the best seeds, where to put the best seeds, what is the history of the plant, then once I figure it out, is it even worth it? Will anyone see these plants? What is there is a drought? Too hot? Too cold? Is there a point? What if they grow too big? What if they don't grow at all? What, if I've wasted my time?  

But once I got to where I was going, this timeline would help me maybe. The roadmap I need to understand humanity. Where we started. Where things went wrong. Looking to history as perhaps the answer to our anxiety instead of pills and potions.  

I did not last long in Florida (oh, how I wanted to!), for many reasons, but the most pressing reason is that everyone else wanted to embrace freedom, sun, sand, and smiles! Places to stay were scares. My bank account groaned every time I made a purchase. And The President has said the 
Winter of Death was upon us, and maybe I should be close to family just in case few of us made it through. It's now Spring, 2022, and I'm happy to report, we all somehow made it through even though we travelled, showed off smiles everywhere we went, and were blessed we weren't forced to make any medical choices in order to keep our jobs. 

This timeline might be of use to you, dear reader. Or not. 


Philosophy relies on logic and observation (common sense)

Psychology relies on  questionable “scientific methods” – too many variable in human behavior. 

1650 BC – Eloquent Peasant (The Golden Rule)

850 BC – Homer Greek Poet who praised Virtues

535 BC – 475 BC) Heraclitus of Ephesus (a Greek philosopher higher self restrains, lower self pleasures, spirit balances the two. 

470 BC-399 BC Socrates – (knowledge) The Unexamined Life is not worth Living 

427 BC – 347 BC – Plato (more of a socialist) greek philosopher – Sparta - philosophical ideas go back to Plato and the belief man has positive ability to make moral choices. The Chariot, good and bad horses. Plato’s vision of the triple nature of the soul, or psyche, as explained though the allegory of the chariot It furnishes an unmatched symbol of what a man is, can be, and what he must do to bridge those two points and attain andreia (courage) arête (excellence), and finally Eudaimonia (full human flourishing).

384 BC – 322 BC Aristotle – Individual. Virtues lead to happiness. Man is goal seeking animal, his life only has meaning if he is reaching and striving for goals. All men, by nature, desire knowledge. Happiness is a goal in life. 

360 AD – 416 AD: Pelagius was a British-born ascetic moralist, who became well known throughout ancient Rome. He opposed the idea of predestination and asserted a strong version of the doctrine of free will. 

354-430 – St. Augustine believed man brought his fall on his own, however, he could not rise on his own: for that, he needed God. (a bit of philosophical conservatism but in the end, doesn’t believe in absolute self determination) 

It's worth noting that all the terms—communism, socialism, fascism and Marxism—describe ideologies that ascribe central importance to some notion of collective good. They all begin by rejecting the notion that man is an individual and that government ought to protect individual rights.

31 BC – 476 AD – Fall of Roman Empire: 

1) Moral Decay. 2) Rapid expansion (Power/Greed). Too many wars, not enough $ or people. Used gladiators to fight to entertain people (who were unemployed) Diversion/Distraction. Slaves gave rise to laziness of land owners which contributed to a decline of virtues. Lack of assimilation. Barbarians beat Romans by Guerilla warfare. 

Town Crier is form of communication. 

1250 AD (born 1225AD died 1274 – Thomas Aquinas –  from Italy. Priest promotes Aristotle and Virtues. “Happiness is secured through virtue; it is a good attained by man's own will.” Promoted 4 Cardinal Virtues: Justice. Prudence. Temperance. Fortitude. 

10th Century – Norse/Vikings had some colonies in Canada

1492 – 1500 (15th Century) – Extensive European Colonization of America 

1439 – Printing Press 

1483-1546 – Martin Luther felt that man couldn’t control himself. He was a product of God (Good) or Evil (devil). 

1513 Ponce de Leon (Spain) lands in what will be Florida and named it La Florida after the Easter season (festival of flowers)

1516 – Sir Thomas Moore writes Utopia (creating the word which means perfection)

1611 – Sir Thomas Dale gives people property, which makes them work harder because they have pride. Prior to that, work was communal and people were dying despite overabundance of resources. 

1622 – Pope Gregory establishes congregation for propagating faith “propaganda.” 

1669 – John Locke (1632-1704, 72y/o)  publishes several works – believes in rights of life, liberty, and estate (what we now call pursuit of happiness). 

1600-1800 (200 years, all of 18th century)– Age of Reason ENLIGHTENMENT – Inspires American & French Revolution. Rational Thinking. 

 1704 – First Newspaper in Colonies; Boston News Letter 

1718 – Voltaire (pen name) used with to attack church. Advocated freedom of religion, expression, separation of church state, writer of more than 20,000 letters and 2,000 books. (November 1694 – 30 May 1778 -84y/o) French. In a letter to Jean-Baptiste Rousseau in March 1719, Voltaire concludes by asking that, if Rousseau wishes to send him a return letter, he do so by addressing it to Monsieur de Voltaire. A postscript explains: "J'ai été si malheureux sous le nom d'Arouet que j'en ai pris un autre surtout pour n'être plus confondu avec le poète Roi", (I was so unhappy under the name of Arouet that I have taken another, primarily so as to cease to be confused with the poet Roi.) This probably refers to Adenes le Roi, and the 'oi' diphthong was then pronounced like modern 'ouai', so the similarity to 'Arouet' is clear, and thus, it could well have been part of his rationale. Indeed, Voltaire is known also to have used at least 178 separate pen names during his lifetime

1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840.The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes in the period from about  This transition included going from hand production methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes, improved efficiency of water power, the increasing use of steam power, the development of machine tools and the rise of the factory system. Textiles were the dominant industry of the Industrial Revolution in terms of employment, value of output and capital invested; the textile industry was also the first to use modern production methods.[1] The Industrial Revolution began in the United Kingdom and most of the important technological innovations were British.

The Industrial Revolution marks a major turning point in history; almost every aspect of daily life was influenced in some way. In particular, average income and population began to exhibit unprecedented sustained growth. Some economists say that the major impact of the Industrial Revolution was that the standard of living for the general population began to increase consistently for the first time in history, although others have said that it did not begin to meaningfully improve until the late 19th and 20th centuries. At approximately the same time the Industrial Revolution was occurring, Britain was undergoing an agricultural revolution, which also helped to improve living standards.

1689 - Second Treatise of Government – by John Locke 

1776 – Common Sense – Thomas Paine 

1781 – KANT (German. 1724 – 1804 – 80y/o) Socialism. People are stupid. 

1775-1783 (American Revolution)

1776 – USA – Declaration of Liberty – Let the King know we wanted to be separate and build country based on Independence from the crown and liberty for all. USA built on freedom of people to REASON. 

1765- 1769 Sir William Blackstone wrote Commentaries on the Laws of England and published it in four volumes through 

1765-1769. 1723 -1780 (57) He was an English jurist who He was the leading legal authority on English law, upon which much American law is based. Law students in America hear about him frequently in law school. In The Rights of Englishmen, Blackstone described the source of the rights of the people. 

1776 – Adam Smith publishes Wealth of Nations;the magnum opus of the Scottish economist and moral philosopher. First published in 1776, the book offers one of the world's first collected descriptions of what builds nations' wealth, and is today a fundamental work in classical economics. By reflecting upon the economics at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the book touches upon such broad topics as the division of labour, productivity, and free markets.

1789- The Government The original bureaucracy of the federal government consisted only of employees from three small departments — State, Treasury, and War under President George Washington. 

1789 until 1799 The French Revolution (French: Révolution française [ʁevɔlysjɔ̃ fʁɑ̃sɛːz]) was a period of far-reaching social and political upheaval in France and was partially carried forward by Napoleon during the later expansion of the French Empire. The Revolution overthrew the monarchy, established a republic, experienced violent periods of political turmoil, and finally culminated in a dictatorship under Napoleon that rapidly brought many of its principles to Western Europe and beyond. Inspired by liberal and radical ideas, the Revolution profoundly altered the course of modern history, triggering the global decline of absolute monarchies while replacing them with republics and liberal democracies.[1] Through the Revolutionary Wars, it unleashed a wave of global conflicts that extended from the Caribbean to the Middle East. Historians widely regard the Revolution as one of the most important events in human history

1800-1929: Government spending didn’t exceed 12% of National Income. Little Regulations. Free Markets. Nonprofits began in order to help community. When Government was limited, people flourished: 19 century Great Britain & Japan, 20th Century Hong Kong, 19th & early 20th century America. 

1800 to 1850. Romanticism (also the Romantic era or the Romantic period) was an artistic, literary, and intellectual movement 

that originated in Europe toward the end of the 18th century and in most areas was at its peak in the approximate period from Romanticism was characterized by its emphasis on emotion and individualism as well as glorification of all the past and nature, preferring the medieval rather than the classical. It was partly a reaction to the Industrial Revolution,[1] the aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment, and the scientific rationalization of nature.[2] It was embodied most strongly in the visual arts, music, and literature, but had a major impact on historiography,[3] education,[4] and the natural sciences.[5] It had a significant and complex effect on politics, and while for much of the Romantic period it was associated with liberalism and radicalism, its long-term effect on the growth of nationalism was perhaps more significant.

The movement emphasized intense emotion as an authentic source of experience. 

1800 Gov Grows

During the 1800s, while more and more federal employees were landing their jobs through patronage, the bureaucracy was growing rapidly as new demands were placed on government. As the country expanded westward new agencies were needed to manage the land and its settlement. And as people moved into the new areas, a greatly expanded Post Office was necessary. The Civil War sparked the creation of thousands of government jobs and new departments to handle the demands of warfare. After the war, the Industrial Revolution encouraged economic growth and more government agencies to regulate the expanding economy.

1807 – Hegel – German (Marxist socialism- follower of Kant, 

Marx was follower of him. 1770-1831 (61) the word crisis—another word Hegel made famous—and history on Hegel’s terms is a series of crises. Indeed, “periods of happiness in history” are, in Hegel’s words, “empty pages.” They contribute nothing to mankind’s advance. During peacetime, he wrote, “civil life becomes more extended, every sphere is hedged in … and at last all men stagnate.” Men are better off, Hegel decided, when they are forced to face danger and uncertainty, forced to rise to the occasion. “Let insecurity finally come in the form of Hussars with glistening sabers, and show its earnest activity!

1859 – Charles Darwin Origin of Species. Only strong survive. Natural Selection. (1809-1882 (73))

1867 – Karl Marx – dethrone God and capitalism. (1818-1883 – 65y/o) – Hypocrite, lived off Engles.

1879 – Germany – Birth of Psychology  Wilhelm Wundt opened the Institute for Experimental Psychology at the University of Leipzig in Germany in 1879.  This was the first laboratory dedicated to psychology. Wundt called himself a “Psychologist.” 

1881 – Pendelton Act (Civil Service) 

The spoils tradition was diluted in 1881 when Charles Guiteau, a disappointed office seeker, killed President James Garfield because he was not granted a government job. After Garfield's assassination, Congress passed the Pendleton Act, which created a merit-based federal civil service. It was meant to replace patronage with the principle of federal employment on the basis of open, competitive exams. The Pendleton Act created a three-member Civil Service Commission to administer this new merit system. At first only about 10 percent of federal employees were members of the civil service. Today, about 85 to 90 percent take this exam.

1884 – Fabians arise. Delay. Harass. Isolate. 

GBS (George Bernard Shaw) called smallpox vaccines “witchcraft” 

1891 Freud first started writing 

(born in Austria/Germany  1856 died 1939 83y/o) became popular when writing about sex/taboos

1887 – Railroad Regulation 

Interstate Commerce Commission, set up in 1887 to monitor abuses in the railroad industry.

1895 – Democrat William Hearst buys NY Paper.  Sells papers using crime/death/and pseudo science (status science) Owned San Francisco Examiner prior to that. Uses death/crime scenes to sell. William Randolph Hearst 1863 –1951) was an American newspaper publisher who built the nation's largest newspaper chain and whose methods profoundly influenced American journalism.[2] Hearst entered the publishing business in 1887 after taking control of The San Francisco Examiner from his father. Moving to New York City, he acquired The New York Journal and engaged in a bitter circulation war with Joseph Pulitzer's New York World that led to the creation of yellow journalism—sensationalized stories of dubious veracity. Acquiring more newspapers, Hearst created a chain that numbered nearly 30 papers in major American cities at its peak. He later expanded to magazines, creating the largest newspaper and magazine business in the world.

He was twice elected as a Democrat to the U.S. House of Representatives, and ran unsuccessfully for Mayor of New York City in 1905 and 1909, for Governor of New York in 1906, and for Lieutenant Governor of New York in 1910. Nonetheless, through his newspapers and magazines, he exercised enormous political influence, and was famously blamed for pushing public opinion with his yellow journalism type of reporting leading the United States into a war with Spain in 1898.

1902 – James Allen – As A Man Thinketh 

1903- Ivy Lee was a journalist at the New York American, the New York Times, and the New York World. He got his first job in 1903 as a publicity manager for the Citizens' Union. Many historians credit Lee with being the originator of modern crisis communications. His principal competitor in the new public relations industry was Edward Bernays.

He authored the book The Best Administration New York City Ever Had. He later took a job with the Democratic National Committee. American publicity expert and a founder of modern public relations. The term Public Relations is to be found for the first time in the preface of the 1897 Yearbook of Railway Literature. Best known for his public relations work with the Rockefeller family. His first major client was the Pennsylvania Railroad, followed by numerous major railroads such as the New York Central, the Baltimore and Ohio, and the Harriman lines such as the Union Pacific. He established the Association of Railroad Executives as a public relations service for the entire industry. Lee provided advice to major industrial corporations, including steel, automobiles, tobacco, meatpacking, and rubber, as well as public utilities, banks, and even foreign governments. Lee pioneered the use of internal magazines to maintain employee morale, as well as management newsletters, stockholder reports, and news releases to the media. He did a great deal of pro bono work, and during World War I, he became the publicity director for the American Red Cross.   born near Cedartown, Georgia, the son of a Methodist minister, James Wideman Lee, who founded an important Atlanta family. He studied at Emory College and then graduated from Princeton. He worked as a newspaper reporter and stringer.. (July 16, 1877 – November 9, 1934


1900 more Gov Regulation  - 

In reaction to the excesses of Gilded Age millionaires, many Americans demanded that the government regulate business and industry. As a result, a group of independent regulatory commissions emerged as the 20th century dawned. The first of these agencies was the Interstate Commerce Commission, set up in 1887 to monitor abuses in the railroad industry. Reform movements of the early 20th century demanded that government regulate child labor, food processing and packaging, and working and living conditions for the laboring classes.

1910 - John Dewey (1859-1952 93) 

- John D. Rockefeller’s PR experts said, "Mr. Rockefeller, give away one dollar so they let you keep the other nine."  Rockefeller did this to an extraordinary degree, creating universities and many other famous institutions.  He created Teachers College at Columbia University. Dewey and the hundreds of people in his immediate orbit serenely agreed that cooperation was the highest virtue, sociology was the future, psychology provided the essential truths of life, God was dead, religion was obsolete, family must be belittled, and patriotism, honor, and other old-fashioned virtues must be slowly ground down to nothing. Went to John Hopkins U (1883), U of Chicago (1894), Prof Of Columbia (thru Rockfeller) 

Read more: 

1913 – 1921  Woodrow Wilson Studied Hegel went to John Hopkins U (Dewey)- CPI (Creel) Income Taxes. Prohibition 

1914-1917 CPI President Woodrow Wilson established the Committee on Public Information (CPI) through Executive Order – George Creel heads it. Abolished by executive order in 1919

1914-1918 – WWI – Allies: Britain, France, Russia, Italy, USA. VS Central Powers: Germany, Austria Hungry, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria,  

1916. Antonio Gramsci was an Italian Marxist theoretician and politician started writing in 1916. He wrote on political theory, sociology. 1891-1937 (46) Wanted to destroy Christianity 

1917 – Ed Bernays (double nephew of Freud) discovers “front” magazines 

(advertising) selling health/medicine advice then getting doctors to pay for advertising. First gave them away for free. (born:1881-1995 (114)) Worked for Freud for a while and used Freuds social sciences to qualify (expertize) his marketing propaganda and manipulate marketing.  Works on Creel organization with Walter Lippman

1917, Carl Robert Byoir (also previously a journalist) became a member of the Committee on Public Information,  Independent Government Organization EO 2594 started by Prez. Woodrow Wilson. Consisted of George Creel (Chairman) and Sec of State, War, and the Navy as ex officio member. Publicly organized the United States propaganda campaign for World War I. While a part of the CPI he practiced many techniques to influence public opinion including creating a campaign that was directed towards draft-eligible non-English speaking Americans. The result of that campaign was adding over 70,000 men to U.S. troops. Byoir continued to lead a few other public relation campaigns but his next notable campaign was with the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration planning many charity balls for the President and helping establishing the March of Dimes foundation. Discontinued after nov 11, 1918. 

1920- John Reed starts Communist Party in Chicago – targeted journalists for recruitment 

1920 – Frankfurt School – Cultural Marxism. Leader Marcuse dedicated to destruction of West. Brought over in 1930 by Ed Murrow (journalist). Birth of PC (?)

1920’s – The “Great” Social Theorists (Social Engineers) were trying to sell new ways of selling their salvation. 

1921-1933 – Republicans command presidency. Democrats’ powerstarved. 

1925 – Napoleon Hill: The Law of Success. Think and Grow Rich 1937. Outwitting the Devil (written in 1939 after FDR New Deal taking away much freedom – but wouldn’t be published until 2011 b/c he didn’t want to upset his religious family). 

1928 – TV starts to influence people

1929 – Balyor University Hospital offers teachers in Dallas “health” insurance for 6.00 a month, to cover hospital bills. This is first known insurance. This is Blue Cross. Only 1% of Gross domestic product is spent on healthcare. By 1966 it was 6 percent and by 2015 was almost 18%.  

1932 – Aldous Huxley (English) wrote Brave New World. 

Worried that group think, drugs, sex, conditioning would lead to loss of freedom. What we love will enslave us. (1894-1963 69y/o) Wrote this book after visiting the USA and being disturbed by consumerism; too busy placating desires to think independently. 

1933 and 1941 The Civilian Conservation Corps 

was part of Roosevelt's New Deal programs to battle the Depression. Aimed at employing men between the ages of 18 and 25, over 3,000,000 men joined the CCC and became members of the federal bureaucracy between 1933 and 1941.

1933-1945- Largest growth of Gov Bureaucracy 

The largest growth of the bureaucracy in American history came between 1933 and 1945. Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal meant bigger government, since agencies were needed to administer his many programs. With the American entry into World War II in 1941, the needs of the war elevated the number of federal agencies and employees even more. During those 12 Roosevelt years, the total number of federal employees increased from a little over half a million in 1933 to an all time high of more than 3.5 million in 1945.

1933-1945 – Hitler Leader of Germany (born in Austria 1889-1945 – 56). 

1933 – Gobbles (Hitler) copies Bernays Mass Manipulation hate chant, symbols, from 1933-1935

1936-1945 – Concentration Camps 

1936 Give Me Liberty book by  – Rose Wilder Lane (she was against New Deal and said it equaled enslavement)

Credo (1936) shorter version of Give Me Liberty published in Saturday Evening Post

1933-1945 – FDR – New Deal. 

Expanded Govt. Social Security (which is Fabian term). Leads us into WWII. FDR does not include medical coverage as part of new deal because labor unions opposed it. 

1933-1945 Herbert Marcuse (German: [maʀˈkuːzə]; July 19, 1898 – July 29, 1979) 

Worked for FDR. Taught at Columbia and Harvard. Founder of the New Left. Goal was to tear America apart by pitting victim group against victim group. 

A German-American associated with the Frankfurt School of critical theory.

he criticized capitalism, modern technology, historical materialism and entertainment culture, arguing that they represent new forms of social control. Between 1943 and 1950, Marcuse worked in US Government Service, which helped form the basis of his book Soviet Marxism: A Critical Analysis (1958). Celebrated as the "Father of the New Left", his best known works are Eros and Civilization (1955) and One-Dimensional Man (1964).  in the late 1960s and the 1970s he became known as the preeminent theorist of the New Left and the student movements of Germany, France, and the US. His Marxist scholarship inspired many radical intellectuals and political activists in the 1960s and 1970s, both in the U.S. and internationally.

1937 – 1942 IPA – Institute For Propaganda Analysis (IPA) – educate people about methods of propaganda. the pioneering work of the Institute for Propaganda Analysis (IPA). In 1937, the IPA was created to educate the American public about the widespread nature of political propaganda. composed of social scientists, opinion leaders, historians, educators, and journalists. Created by Kirtley Mather, Edward A. Filene, and Clyde R. Miller, the IPA published a series of books, including:

   Violet Edwards (1938) Group Leader's Guide to Propaganda Analysis

Alfred McClung Lee & Elizabeth Briant Lee (1939) The Fine Art of Propaganda[3]

James A. Wechsler & Harold Lavine (1940) War Propaganda and the United States, reprinted 1972 by Garland Publishing

1937 and 1938 alone, Stalin’s secret police arrested more than 1.75 million persons. Of those, more than 85 percent would be sentenced to the Gulag; more than half of those would be executed.

1939-1945 WWII 

– Allies: Britain, France, Au, Canada, New Zeland, India, Soviet Union, China, USA (America won’t get involved into Japan bombs Peal Harbor, 12/7/1941)

1938 – Ayn Rand publishes Anthem

. Fountainhead 1943. Atlas Shrugged 1957. From Russia. (1905/1982 77y/o)

1940-1950’s decline of morality in movies

1941 (dec 7) – Japan bombs Pearl Harbor – leading USA into WWII

1943 – Maslow publishes Human Motivation went to Frankfurt School

1943: The Discovery of Freedom (1943) 

(political history) adapted in 1947 as The Mainspring of Human Progress by Rose Wilder Lane 

1945 – George Orwell publishes Animal Farm. 

1949 Orwell publishes 1984. Crit of Communism 

based on Russian Revolution. Warns about conditioning. PC. Rewriting History. (1903-1950 47) Real name: Eric Arthur Blair 

1946 – Viktor Frankl – Mans Search For Meaning

1947 – McCarthy Hearings – Liberals are blacklisted until about 1962 in movie biz. Then in 1969 – increasing violence/sex in movies. 

1947 – Alfred Kinsey (Zoologist) creates Institute for Sex Research. 

1948 – Kinsey publishes Kinsey Report (sex) 

1949 – Hugh Heffner

 (born in Chicago, from Chicago) graduates from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he majored in psychology. Hefner earned his bachelor's degree. He later did a semester of graduate school work in the area of sociology, focusing on the sex research institute established by Alfred Kinsey. He went to work for Esquire magazine in Chicago. He started playboy in December in 1953 to take advantage of the “Sexual Revolution.” Hefner decided his magazine would instead cater to the cosmopolitan, intellectual male and feature more overt sexual imagery.

1951 – Albert Hoyt Hobbs publishes Claims of Sociology. 

Conservative Sociologist from UofP from 1937-1980. Social Problems and Scientism 1953. Vision and The Constant Star 1956. Man is Moral Choice. 1979. 

1951 – Eric Hoffer – The True Believer 

1953 - Playboy Magazine in December 1953. 

The first issue features Marilyn Monroe on the cover, and sells more than 50,000 copies

1957 – Vance Packard – 

The Hidden Persuaders 1959, Status Seekers

1963 – Mao Tse Tung 

wrote essay on Political Correctness

1964 – 1969 – Lyndon Johnson President “Great Society” 

(Fabian Term). Entitlements. Cradle To grave. Welfare. Broke up black families and created flight from work (Purpose). Hypocrite. 

1968-1969 College Bombings

Almost 20 bombings on college campuses.  

1985 – Neil Postman 

(Amusing Ourselves To Death)



Monday, April 26, 2021

The Amazing Marketing Diet

 This bacon, butter,  and martini lover (separately, of course) is suddenly faced with all the markers of heart disease: elevated blood work, a heart that has been wonk for years, but is now slightly more wonky. And my body went from fit to fluffy. Kardashians might like a big butt and hips, but my body (and my knees) do not. 

So now, I find myself (gasp) cutting things down, or completely out. 

If you know me, you know I've followed and tried just about every trendy diet. 

I've been fluffy and I've been thin. I love being thin mostly because it was easy to shop at thrift stores and basically anything I wore looked amazing. And I felt amazing. And I was also recycling!

Anyway, this morning I was examining the box of Low Sugar oatmeal the husband had in the cupboard. 

I'm trying to cut back on carbs (and do you know blackberries have a lot of carbs, granted, the "good kind" but still..." 

I'm also trying to stay away from gluten. Years ago, blood work pointed towards gluten intolerance. But then a year later it was better (and I never really stopped eating gluten, just cut back). 

The oatmeal box did not say it was gluten free, BUT, it did say it was heart healthy and could reduced cholesterol. 

And while I was reading that box, Ed Bernays (known as the father of public relations) popped into my mind. I've studied him, marketing, and propaganda extensively. 

Was it hearth healthy? Or did Quaker Oats fund some organization to do a "study" where the end results would be that YES, Quaker Oats is healthy for your heart. 

We love anything that promises to make us feel better, look better, and is scientifically proven or recommended by doctors. Doctors are generally a trusted group. 

Ed Bernays knew that. And almost every marketing campaign he worked on, he used "studies" to show how a product would benefit our human instincts to be better, belong, be someone, and be in control. 

And even though I  know this, I still fall for marketing promises.  

I put the oatmeal box back. It wasn't gluten free, and I haven't reached the point I am willing to eat oatmeal without some butter and brown sugar. 

So, I'll just stick to what has worked for me in the past: small meals, low carbs, as few preservatives as possible, non saturated fats (I'll never say goodbye to butter or bacon - what's the point of living without a little pleasure! - I'll just cut back on them). 

When I was in Paramedic school, P.A. Richard Lang did some of our cardiac courses. I'll never forget he said: "You can do all the right things: eat healthy, work out, be very fit, but some people simply have in in their genetics and there is little you can do to stop heart disease or cardiac death." Honesty. No sugar coating it, and though he said diet and exercise and not smoking or drinking can help, there are some cases it wouldn't make a difference. 

Though we have so many resources at our fingertips these days, it's challenging to know what sources are authentic, and what sources are corrupted by studies financed by organizations in order to sell their product and profit. 

You can never go wrong with common sense. Though these days, even common sense is being subverted by experts trying to sell you on the fact that common sense isn't as smart as the product they are selling. 

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Who Owns You?

  Something to think about from the great, smart, wise, Walter Williams. 

Who owns you? If one owns himself, then it is he who decides how much risk he takes. If government owns you, then you don't have the right to unilaterally decide how much risk you'll take.

Walter Williams -

Walter E. Williams, was a prominent conservative economist, author and political commentator who expressed profoundly skeptical views of government efforts to aid his fellow African-Americans and other minority groups.