The only thing I take seriously is my Freedom. And Bacon.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Samuel Adams Warning of Big Government in 1771

It is a tremendously important and never-ending problem for the self-governing American people to be not only adequately informed but ever alert and vigorously active in forestalling whenever possible, and combating whenever necessary, any and all threats to Individual Liberty and to its supporting system of constitutionally limited government. In this connection, it is essential to keep in mind that the greatest danger lies in the subtle and gradual, or piecemeal, approach of danger--by which the foundations are gradually eroded rather than by open and outright assault; accompanied by harsh attacks upon all who seek to alert the people to such danger whenever it threatens. This was stressed by Samuel Adams--always in the forefront, as a firebrand patriot, in the fight for Liberty and Independence, for the rights of Free Man through Freedom from Goverument-over-Man--in an essay published in 1771 in the Boston Gazette, signed "Candidus" (quoted exactly as in original text, including emphasis):

"If the liberties of America are ever compleatly ruined, of which in my opinion there is now the utmost danger, it will in all probability be the consequence of a mistaken notion of prudence, which leads men to acquiesce in measures of the most destructive tendency for the sake of present ease. When designs are form'd to rase the very foundation of a free government, those few who are to erect their grandeur and fortunes upon the general ruin, will employ every art to sooth the devoted people into a state of indolence, inattention and security, which is forever the fore-runner of slavery-- They are alarmed at nothing so much, as attempts to awaken the people to jealousy and watchfulness; and it has been an old game played over and over again, to hold up the men who would rouse their fellow citizens and countrymen to a sense of their real danger, and spirit them to the most zealous activity in the use of all proper means for the preservation of the public liberty, as 'pretended patriots,' 'intemperate politicians,' rash, hotheaded men, Incendiaries, wretched desperadoes, who, as was said of the best of men, would turn the world upside down, or have done it already."

The economic is subordinate to higher values not only in such comparative rating but also among Man's motivating influences. Assuredly any adequate examination of pertinent historical materials proves this to be unquestionably true of the thinking of the entire generation in America of the period 1776-1787 and, second to none, of The Founders as a group. They rated their economic interests and security as secondary to their ideals in seeking "Liberty and Independence"--a truth which is highlighted, for example, by the Declaration of Independence, especially its closing words: "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." The record proves they meant it, and equally the almost-naked, ever-hungry and shoeless men at Valley Forge who stained the snow with bleeding feet, yet fought on.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Original Betty Crocker Crinkle Recipe

 Original Crinkle Cookie Recipe 

1/2cup vegetable oil

4 oz unsweetened baking chocolate, melted, cooled

2 cups granulated sugar

2 teaspoons vanilla

4 eggs 

2 cups Gold Medal™ all-purpose flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup powdered sugar (can also roll in bits of broken candy canes for a peppermint version!)

In large bowl, mix oil, chocolate, granulated sugar and vanilla. Stir in eggs, one at a time. Stir in flour, baking powder and salt. Cover; refrigerate at least 3 hours.

Heat oven to 350°F. Grease cookie sheet with shortening or cooking spray or use parchment paper to line cookie sheets. 

Drop dough by teaspoonfuls into powdered sugar; (and peppermint bits if you're going for the mint version) roll around to coat and shape into balls. Place about 2 inches apart on cookie sheets.

Bake 9 to 11 minutes or until edges are set. Immediately remove from cookie sheets to cooling racks.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Blue Bar Warminster PA

 At the Blue Bar Co. We were the first customers of day. Great food. Drinks are dazzling. MASHED POTATO PIZZA with bacon is all I'm sayin. Very cool place. Props to the chef who kept coming over to have us test things he was thinking of putting on the menu. Everyone was awesome. AND THEY HAVE A JUKEBOX. Well decorated. Rooms for gaming, and to spread out. They go all out to make sure you feel like you are the most important customers they have.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Socialists Don't Sleep by Cheryl Chumley

Cheryl Chumley’s book, Socialists Don’t Sleep: Why Christians Must Rise, Or America Will Fall, is a great book. Unlike most politicians and academicians, she understands the true greatness of America, and sounds an alarm of caution if our nation continues down its current path that wants to abolish  our founding principles and values.This book should be read by everyone. America needs a reality check and this is a great place to start."

Thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for this wonderful ARC. 

Available Mid September 2020.  

12 Lesson by Scott Guerin

 12 Lessons by Scott Guerin is a fascinating read. 

There are many people that view  themselves as spiritual and have turned away from organized religion. 

This is a wonderful book for those exploring spirituality. It's uplifting. An easy read that explores the author's relationship with religion and spirituality and freedom. 

Very positive. 

Thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for this ARC. 

Available October 2020 

Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Killer's Shadow - by John Douglas

 The Killer's Shadow by John Douglas starts off great. Most of this book focuses on Joseph Paul Franklin and takes us through the late 70's right up to present day. 

Compared to Douglas's other books I've read, this one seemed a bit bogged down in repetition and I found myself skimming the many chapters detailing Franklin's many, many, trials. 

Still, a good book. One thing that disappointed me, however, what that Mr. Douglas brought up the political climate this year, and seems to buy into the propaganda that Conservatives are "racists." He used a talking point regarding President Trump, which has often been taken out of context. 

That was quite off putting to me, as I know many Black people that will be voting for President Trump, and they are not racist. 

I felt that Mr. Douglas singled out one type of hate crime, but failed anywhere to mention that there are hate crimes committed by Black People, Muslims, Left Groups, etc. 

For an "investigator" such as Mr. Douglas, I would truly hope he researches how President Trump has helped  many people of all different races, genders, and religion. 

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. - Release Date 11/17/20

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Eliza Starts A Rumor by Jane Rosen

Eliza Starts A Rumor is a great book. The characters and story lines were so interesting that it only  took me two days to read. The story centers on a few women in a suburb outside of NYC. It touches on our present day social media boards (Facebook) and how damaging it can be. A series of women become connected through a rumor on this board, and it has devastating effects. There is a silver lining among the dark clouds for all the women, and by the end, through courage and strength, all the women are on their way to flourishing.

This book will be available June 23, 2020.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Working In Loss Prevention - Macys, Bloomingdales, Target

Many years ago, I worked as a Loss Prevention Detective at Bloomingdales. Of course, as is often with events in life, I remember the good times. I worked with a team of people, however, there was one guy that I clicked with.

Dave was great. We had a-lot of fun and when I made a call out, he listened to me and took me seriously.

Probably because my first day on the job, he was reading the morning paper, drinking coffee, set for a relaxing day, and I was watching the monitors that were watching the shoppers on the floor and said, "Uh, Dave, I think that guy just stole some jeans."
Dave sighed, temporarily looking up from the paper to watch the customer I had pointed out.
"Holy Shit," Dave said, then radioed the Abington Police that he was about to make a stop.
Dave chased the guy through the parking lot (we weren't supposed to step off the curb but many years ago, that rule was overlooked). One of the cops somehow got into an accident responding (nothing major, just blew out a tire on the median).

But we got the guy (rather, Dave did), and from that day, Dave and I worked really well together. Communicated. And laughed a-lot.

It was a short lived job...everyone left to become cops, join the military, or, in my case, start a sales job that brought in double what working in LP brought in.

Many years have since passed, many jobs, and yet, other than being a paramedic, loss prevention remained my most fun job I'd ever had.

In 2018 I went back to the loss prevention field, this time for Target. Well. Much had changed in the field. And Target...well, unfortunately, the store I was at went through many mangers and the whole store was going through a "makeover." I was also shocked at the amount of creepy things and creepy people (men) that preyed on customers (excuse me, "guests") at the Montgomeryville Store. And the Operations manager did NOT want the public to know about these incidents.

A new Asset Protection Manager came to our store and he was...odd. He told me I cared too much about the job and was too enthusiastic. The AP District Manager told me to do things one way, but my store manager told me the complete opposite. I had loved working at Target my first few months. I was basically solo for 6 weeks after the manager that hired me was moved to a different store and my new manager was in training for 6 weeks. I made it work. But when the new manager, Tom, came in, he was cold, had the personality of brick, spoke about hiring more diverse people, but told me I should me more like Craig and Sam (men). Hmmm. The definition of diversity means variety.

Anyway, I asked to be relocated to a different store, Tom refused, and I resigned.

Off to Macy's I went. The great thing about Macy's  is that I am in plain clothes. When I arrived at Macy's - they too, were in a state of flux. Getting new cameras, new systems that identified people on TrueVue (as you walk out the door, the towers scan what you bought and match it to a receipt. No receipt, it's a good bet that it's stolen and reviewing tape can prove or disprove it.)

My manager, unfortunately, as is too common across most retail organizations, is also the Operations Manager. He is spread way too thin. It's obvious his heart is in Asset Protection. Unfortunately, training is basically bare bones. And I started during the busiest time of the season - Oct, Nov, Dec. The team I work with comes together when working a case, and of course, that's when the job is awesome. However, the team when NOT working a case, is frustrated. There's such little communication and no clear guidelines on how to handle situations. The history of that department is crazy! I keep telling the old timers they need to write a book! From a local cop who was forcing shoplifters from Macy's to have sex with him after he picked them up to take them to the station (he was fired) to a detective who was stealing his co-workers food, and also stealing merchandise and would walk out one door with it, and in another door to get a refund for it!

I used to say if I won the lottery, it's a job I'd do for free, however, there's just such a lack of caring and training from corporate. It's not just Macy's - it's all over. And the criminals have more rights than the people assigned to protect the assets of the companies.

If you're thinking of getting into Loss Prevention, do it. Despite all the problems, it's a fascinating job. You might be good at spotting shoplifters, you might be good at investigations, you might be good at internals, you might be good at auditing, you might be good making sure high risk merchandise has appropriate security measures, hopefully you'll be good at most of them.

It's a thankless job. But it can be an exciting job. And if you are lucky enough to land on a good team, you'll love your job despite the frustrations.

Taco Johns Potato Ole Recipe Update

Taco Johns - Potato Ole Recipe

When I move away from an area, it's usually not the people I miss, it's the food. (KIDDING) (somewhat).

It's been years since I've been to a Taco Johns. They just don't have them on the East Coast. Yes, I know we have pierogies and cheesesteaks and hoagies, but my GOD, sometimes, I just want some damn nachos and potato oles from Taco Johns.

I tweeted about how much I miss those potato oles - they are little crispy crown potatoes that have this fantastic spicy yet a hint of sweet seasoning.
Someone was kind enough to send on a recipe for homemade potato ole seasoning. I tried it out today, and it is fabulous! Granted, it's been awhile since I've had them, but they satisfied my craving! Ole!

I used Ore Ida Crispy Crowns - but I suppose they'd work on tater tots too!
Cook Crispy Crowns as directed.
While cooking, mix:

Taco John's Homemade Potato Ole's! So Good!

  • teaspoons Lawry's seasonings salt (I, however, used Jane's Krazy Mixed Up Salt that I got from Fresh Market)

  • teaspoons paprika

  • teaspoon ground cumin

  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 

  • After removing Crispy Crowns from the oven - sprinkle on to your liking and serve with sour cream/ranch dressing/or spicy ranch dressing. 

    A reader suggested this recipe from Top Secrets Recipe Cookbook: 
    4 tsp Lawry's seasoning salt
    2 tsp paprika
    1 tsp ground cumin
    1 tsp cayenne pepper (basically subbing the cayenne for the cinnamon)

    Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl
    Sprinkle of tator tots or crispy crowns
    Bake tots or crowns following instructions on package.