I had 2 coupons for Bed Bath & Beyond that were going to expire so I popped in thinking I'd load up on Keurig Coffee - and there, right next to the display was a babycakes mini pie maker. WHATTTTTTTTTT??!!!
Recently, I've been obsessed with pies thanks to
Lisa who is the pie queen, and
Ella Kinsella, author of the SouthernPied Serial.
As much as I love to make pies, I love to experiment with flavors my family
does not appreciate: sweet potato and bacon; pecan bourbon and bacon; pecan, cranberry, bacon (do you see a theme here?).
I could make one small pie just for myself, but it seemed ridiculous to heat up the oven for just one little pie - and then in to my life walked the babycakes mini pie maker!
It makes 4 mini pies in about 10 minutes. This is awesome because now my family can have there boring apple pie, and I can have jalapeno, apple, and bacon pie!
I had a second 10.00 off 30.00$ coupon for Bed Bath & Beyond, so of course, I had to buy the babycake mini cupcake maker too! It makes 8 cupcakes at a time, but can also be used for mini pies (the difference is the mini cupcake maker makes pies that can be eaten in 2 bites, vs the mini pie maker makes pies that take about 4/5 bites to eat).
When I arrived home, I immediately went to work. Though I'm usually all about homemade, I cheated and bought ready made pie crust and canned fruit/pudding fillings because I wanted to experiment. After I was finished, I jumped on the internet to find more ideas about what I could make and also, to read reviews (I rarely buy something without reading reviews) and then discovered babycakes had a 'pie pop' maker - in which you can make
pie on a stick.
I discovered Kohls carries this (Bed Bath & Beyond didn't carry it as of this writing) and well, hello, I've tried making pie on stick myself and had okay results, but suddenly, I was intrigued - if this machine could make it easier, why the heck not -also it was on sale at Kohl's (24.99) - if that's not a sign, I don't know what is.
grilled cheese bites |
But by the time I bought the pie pop maker, I'd already made an assortment of pies (and Nutella truffles dipped in caramel for a Halloween party), had cleaned the kitchen and also ran out of dough. So instead, I made a quick batch of mini grilled cheese rounds and they were fun, easy, and very tasty. There are so many different things you can make with ALL the babycakes makers - from quesadillas to scones to calzones to ravioli - not just for cupcakes/muffins/pies.
I took pictures of my first babycakes adventure. Keep in mind, it was my first time; they don't look beautiful, but they tasted wonderful!
With the mini cupcake maker - banana chocolate pudding pies (topped later with whip cream), apple caramel pie.

Using the mini pie maker - I made lemon pie and for me - apple, bacon, cheddar pie.
Using the pie pop maker - I made mini grilled cheese (these would be really fun for a party served with various dipping sauces!).
These babycakes makers are really fun, easy to clean, and perfect for the family that has different tastes.
Of course, I did end up also buying some coffee from my Keurig - because nothing compliments pie like a fresh hot cup of coffee!