The only thing I take seriously is my Freedom. And Bacon.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Traveling To Jim Thorpe? Dine at Through The Looking Glass!
You'll find this quaint charming corner restaurant up the street from the courthouse. Loved the ability to sit outside on the wide porch and watch tourists and locals stroll by. Though I didn't sit inside, I did a small walk though and it was very homey and comfortable, more as if you're a very welcome guest in the home of really good friends.
I had the fully loaded cheddar cheese biscuit. OMG.
It's rare to find homemade cheddar cheese biscuits anywhere in the north east so of course I had to try it and it was fantastic.
It was a marinated grilled chicken breast that was moist and plump on the most delicate tasty biscuit that had just a hint of cheddar cheese. Sweet onions and peppers complimented the chicken and a chipotle dressing brought it all together.
Service was friendly and attentive without being intrusive.
I spent most of my summers growing up in Nesquehoning so I'm very familiar with Jim Thorpe. Though it was my first visit to the Looking Glass, it certainly won't be my last!
Through The Looking Glass (Link)
111 Broadway
Jim Thorpe, PA 18229
(570) 325-8770
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Coach's Steak and Hoagie House In Doylestown - Something To Cheer About!
Coach's "The Trainer" wrap |
Clean, bright, huge TV's to watch sports in between tweeting, four squaring, facebooking, and talking to the person you're with while eating. Hehe.
We had the Irish Fries - scallions, bacon, Irish Cheddar and served with seasoned sour cream. Of course, they were fabulous. Fries remained hot and crispy even with all the toppings. They have an awesome selection of "dressed up" fries - including Italian fries, king crab fries, and Freedom fries (with pork roll and ranch!).
John had the "Trainer" - a roast beef wrap with swiss, cole slaw, and garlic aioli. It was the spicy garlic aioli that really made this wrap a winner.
Since it is bikini season, I asked if I could have a chicken salad wrap - but instead of a wrap, could they put it on a salad? (I'd already overindulged with the fantastic fries!). They were happy to oblige.
Coach's Irish Fries |
The one itme Coach's is lacking in is salads. But the simple solution to that - is do what I did - just request any hoagie/wrap item be turned into a salad.
Prices are extremely reasonable and counter staff are friendly.
Coach's gives Doylestown something to cheer about!
44 East State St Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 348-7066
Monday, June 18, 2012
What The Media Didn't Tell You About the Romney WaWa Rally
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Non-local Union Protesters bused in by Rendell |
There is something the media did not expose about the Romney Rally scheduled to be held at WaWa in Quakertown, Pa on Saturday July 16th. Please read this first hand account from Ken Souder (@KenSouder on Twitter).
A quick personal note before Ken's story...This story brings home 3 powerful points: 1) Mainstream Media does not report facts that place Obama in a bad light.
2) - THE POWER OF GRASS ROOTS ACTIVISM - you do not have to be part of a "Tea Party" to attend events. Ken is a great example of hearing about an event, putting on his "activist boots" and making things happen.
3) The Power of Twitter - Ken learned that Romney would be at WaWa via Twitter. He then learned that Romney was going to be diverting from one location to another via Twitter. And he also met one local very active Tweeter at the Rally (via Twitter, of course) - @BrandonPoser (who is in highschool but has already figured out that Conservatism is what makes our country and our people strong and successful).
Y'all know I preach about the power of Twitter - and this is a prime example of how great a tool it is. I met Ken through Twitter - and then actually MET him. He is not only super cool - but as you can see - very active and passionate - and I know I can trust that what he tells me is the truth - unlike any "journalist" who went to school and vowed to be nonbiased and honest. Ha!
Here is Ken's account of the Romney WaWa Rally:
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Crowd at WaWa Romney Ralley |
I headed up to Quakertown around 10:30 AM for breakfast at the local diner across from the Wawa on 663 which is less than a mile from the Quakertown interchange. Around 11 am I drove over the Wawa (less than half a mile down Rt. 663 and noticed a Fox 29 TV truck front of me heading for the Wawa. It seemed this was the Wawa Romney was supposed to stop at. As I pulled in I noticed others gathering, but it wasn’t until around 12 noon that the crowds grew to probably a couple hundred or more. The anti-Romney protestors would have been a minority if not for the bus which came in from Philly which off loaded 40 to 50 astro turf union folks from Philadelphia under the leadership of Ed Rendell. These were NOT local people. This did not come across in any of the reporting I saw. They started with the bull horns and the chants “we are the 99 percent” , the signs, even an airplane towed sign flying overhead saying how “Romney is owned by the 1 percent”, which drew the media (the media goes to where the action is!). Meanwhile, the Romney supporters were quietly and peacefully standing a little distance away holding Romney signs waiting for the big moment. Seeing this, I decided to rally the Romney folks. So I said let’s make some noise, let’s sing “God bless America” followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, and chant USA USA USA!!! That did it. The reporters from 69 News and CW came over to interview ME!!! Asking why I was here, did I ever see Romney in person, etc… I was happy to oblige. Lesson: When the media is there you need to make noise. Don’t just stand there! Otherwise, you will not get any coverage. I did see that my brief moment in the spotlight did get airtime on the 10 o’clock 69 News. My first interview aired on TV!!
I did receive a tweet from Brandon Posner around 11:30 a.m. saying that the event was called off due to the union thugs that decided to try to crash the party. (Note: this was never intended to be a full blown official Romney rally, but a quick pit stop, meet and greet, photo opp, then off again. Normally an official rally will have a definite location announced in a few days in advance, tons of secret service, State police, crowd control, and screening of everyone coming to the event with barricaded areas where you can stand. This was nothing like that. Nobody was screened at this event! Right away I realized something didn’t seem right. Security was very lax). The one secret service guy that was there told us that the presence of the protesters was a security risk. At one point the shouting was so intense between protestors and supporters, I thought there would be some physical violence. I can see how if Romney showed up it could have been very messy. This is why Romney’s bus decided to do an end run around the protestors and go to the OTHER Wawa on 309 where nobody was thinking he would go. While the media said that Romney was afraid to confront the protestors, I see it as a brilliant move to frustrate their plans to embarrass the Romney campaign with the media capturing every minute of it. They were really really angry that Romney didn’t show up. It was worth seeing them walking away with their signs between their legs….They came all the way from Philadelphia without accomplishing their mission. Romney definitely out foxed them!! Romney got what he wanted, the astro turf from Philadelphia did not!! Again, it’s important to note that without the astro turf union thugs from Philly, they would have been outnumbered by 10 or more to 1 by Romney true grassroots local folks who drove in their cars from the area.
It was around 1:30 p.m. that it was confirmed by the PA state police that the Romney campaign bus had decided on the other Wawa (along Rt. 309) about 5 miles on the other side of town.. I left, but was able to pick up more contacts and get more street wise in how to confront the enemy. I will say they are definitely more street wise and savvy when it comes to protesting. We could learn a lesson or two from them. The Tea Party needs to be able to rally the troops quickly whenever and wherever they are needed to answer protestors. I would say in the end, we won this one. But it did get off to a slow start.
Thanks Ken! If you're intending on helping FIRE Obama and you're not on Twitter - please set up an account and start following @KenSouder & @BrandonPosner - if you follow my Twitter (@heylaurafreed) - there is a list called FreedomWorks - it's a list of local PA grassroots activist. There is a list called FWBootcamp - and it's a list of FreedomWorks activists from across the country as well as people who work at FreedomWorks.
Don't think that just because Obama is doing a horrible job as a President that he will lose in 2012. People are easily mislead by Obama's handlers (as well as the Main Stream Media). It's going to take every single one of us to make noise, wake people up, and join together to get our country back on the Right track!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Kitchen Table Patriots - Next Meeting July 9th.
Ana, Anastasia, CL Bryant & other FreedomWorks Bootcamp warriors! |
Mark your calendars!
I'm starting to meet people in "real time" that I've only "met" on social networks - and it's fantastic. Even if you are a member at another tea party group - feel free to drop by and make some new friends. Hope to see you all there!
Cheers to Freedom! And a pink slip for Obama!
From the Kitchen Table Patriots:
Let's get together and talk about our next steps as we get ready to take out Barack Obama and Bob Casey this Fall! After a very well attended Get Out The Vote training day in Bucks County in early June, we are now ready to put into practice all the tools we learned from FreedomWorks.
We all came together back in 2009 because we were outraged by the election of Barack Obama, the passage of Obamacare and the direction of our country financially and ideologically. The time has come, perhaps our last chance to truly make a stance, for us to unite and work to defeat the progressive agenda which has already infiltrated us so deeply. The first step towards a big win in November starts now! So, we, at The Kitchen Table Patriots, urge you to come out to make a difference, we can plug you in where you are needed.
This is where you can make a difference that really matters!
Attending? Send us an email: TheKitchenTablePatriots@GMail. com
Date: ................ Monday, July 9th, 2012
Time: ............... 7PM - 9PM
Cost: ................ Free (buy your own drink downstairs)
Where: ............. The Loyal Order of the Moose
School Choice is Back
Please call your legislators today
and ask them to vote YES on HB 2468
Jan Murphy, Harrisburg Patriot-News
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
While plans for school vouchers remain mired in the General Assembly, some lawmakers are supporting a new idea to help kids in failing schools. Rep. Jim Christiana, R-Beaver, is introducing a bill that would create a $100 million tax credit program aimed at children in poor-performing schools. The bill to create the new Educational Improvement Scholarship Credit will be introduced today in the House of Representatives. The program would try to build on the state's $75 million Educational Improvement Tax Credit program. That program grants tax credit to companies that donate to preschool and K-12 scholarships to students or to innovative public education programs. Tax credits for this program typically are spoken for in a matter of days after they become available. The new tax credit program would be limited to companies donating to organizations that provide scholarships to students in the state's worst-performing schools. In Christiana's plan as well as the existing EITC program, businesses donating to scholarship organizations could cut their state taxes by up to 90 cents on every dollar donated to education. The goal of Christiana's plan is to generate enough money to provide an escape for 30,000 low- and middle-income students in failing public schools. His plan would provide scholarships of up to $8,500 for a regular education student and up to $15,000 for a special-needs student. "I think it is a very attractive program to those that want to help these kids get out of the violent underperforming schools," Christiana said. Support for a new education tax credit is evolving among House Republican leaders. "I think it's definitely something we should do," said House Majority Whip Stan Saylor, R-York.
Privatization of Liquor Stores
The time has come, once and for all, to give Pennsylvanians the freedom to choose their own wine and spirits -- without the government's monopoly of mediocrity. Government in the booze business has always been a lose business. Let's give our legislators a final push to let them know the time is now to get government out of the booze business! Currently, this issue is stalled in the House of Representatives so your phone calls, emails and faxes can have a positive effect in getting this to a vote before the Legislators leave Harrisburg for the Summer.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Bacon Sundae From Burger King and American Flag Rally
So many things to write - so little time. And I still have a review for Coach's Steak & Hoagie in Dolyestown to do. (If you're reading Coach - it''ll be done by Monday! Food was awesome, no worries!).
I'm gonna keep it short and simple.
Tonight it's about the Bacon Sundae from Burger King and the American Flag Rally in Harelysville.
They have something in common - The American Flag stands for hard won Freedom - and so does the Bacon sundae. Who ever thought we'd see bans on sodas, feeding the homeless - and did u know Michelle Obama got the Mars company to stop making super size candy bars starting in 2013? Yep.
So after the awesome Flag rally (on this day of the American Flags birthday) hosted by the Central Montgomery County Tea Party - I stopped to have a bacon sundae at Burger King before it was BANNED.
For fast food? It's wonderful. The trick is dipping your spoon in the bacon, chocolate fudge, & caramel to experience it all at once. #Flavorgasm. It's everything a dessert should be: salty, sweet, crunchy, smooth.
A gazillion stars! I didn't eat it all - as it comes in at 510 calories. Only had a few bites - but that was enough to satisfy my sweet tooth. SO TAKE THAT MICHELLE OBAMA!
American Flag rally - awesome!
I met Joe - who drives around this really cool old car. He's not a tea party person, he's simply a Patriot! He takes his cars to the shows and sets it up like a car hop - complete with tray and food. He was wearing a custom made flag shirt. Hey Joe, if you're reading this - send me an email so I can get the lady in Arizona's address!
I met Ken - who is a Twitter "friend" - I always love meeting Tweeters in person. He is super cool. You can follow him @KenSouder
Just wish I'd had more time to talk.
Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick showed up. Which was awesome. And Sam Rohrer gave a long speech. Long. Speech. But that's cool.
I don't know the lady who sang in the beginning - but she was fantastic. Truly talented.
So, that's all I got for now!
Cheers To Freedom!
Breitbart On!
I'm gonna keep it short and simple.
Tonight it's about the Bacon Sundae from Burger King and the American Flag Rally in Harelysville.
They have something in common - The American Flag stands for hard won Freedom - and so does the Bacon sundae. Who ever thought we'd see bans on sodas, feeding the homeless - and did u know Michelle Obama got the Mars company to stop making super size candy bars starting in 2013? Yep.
Joe and his Super Cool All American Car! |
For fast food? It's wonderful. The trick is dipping your spoon in the bacon, chocolate fudge, & caramel to experience it all at once. #Flavorgasm. It's everything a dessert should be: salty, sweet, crunchy, smooth.
A gazillion stars! I didn't eat it all - as it comes in at 510 calories. Only had a few bites - but that was enough to satisfy my sweet tooth. SO TAKE THAT MICHELLE OBAMA!
American Flag rally - awesome!
A really great crowd attended the Flag Rally! |
I met Ken - who is a Twitter "friend" - I always love meeting Tweeters in person. He is super cool. You can follow him @KenSouder
Just wish I'd had more time to talk.
Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick showed up. Which was awesome. And Sam Rohrer gave a long speech. Long. Speech. But that's cool.
I don't know the lady who sang in the beginning - but she was fantastic. Truly talented.
So, that's all I got for now!
Cheers To Freedom!
Breitbart On!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Got a Phone? Take a Stand for Freedom. For Children. For School Choice.
Hey fellow PA Patriots -
We have a chance to stand up for freedom and children.
Currently, school choice is going to be voted on this week (or the next!) giving children the chance to leave a school that is failing them and attend a school that is succeeding.
Thanks to Obama - we've left our children an outrageous debt that they will have to slog through. The least we can do is offer them, and their parents, a chance at TRUE success.
We can offer children a chance to choose the best school for their needs - give them freedom to make that choice - you know why? Because FREEDOM WORKS.
I'm urging you to call Governor Corbett at (717) 787-2500 and tell him to say YES to bill 2468.
And ring state Rep Mike Turzai at (412) 369-2230 and tell him to say YES!
Calling your state reps make the most impact.
Please take a moment of your time - and even if you don't have children in school, please think of those children that are the future of America. Show them that freedom = success.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Matthew Perdie Walks Across America To Restore Liberty
I'm going to write about my experience about the AWESOMENESS of the FreedomWorks Bootcamp but first, I'd like to introduce you to Matthew Perdie. I became aware of him through Twitter (just today!) and discovered he lives in Jim Thorpe, an area near and dear to my heart as my family grew up in that area.
Matthew was the editor of the movie Runaway Slave - and I happened to just meet CL Bryant (and sat next to him at dinner!) at the FreedomWorks Bootcamp event. Runaway Slave is about how the govt traps the black community into economic slavery. It's set to open at the Glenn Beck rally in July and then nationwide.
Matthew walked across America to spread the word about restoring INDEPENDENCE and LIBERTY to our country - the very thing Obama and the Democrats have destroyed.
Please watch this clip of the movie - and if you can, consider buying his DVD. We need to support our fellow Patriots who fight so hard for freedom. If you can't afford his video (THANKS OBAMA!) - you can support him by sending out a Tweet, Facebook Staus, or post his info on your blog.
We are all in this together, Patriots!!!!
Follow Matthew on Twitter at @PerdieXAmerica
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Connect With Local Patriots - FreedomWorks Leads The Way
Laura Freed & The Honorable Dick Armey |
FreedomWorks stands for lower taxes, less government, more freedom.
As you know, I've been active in the community - wearing my Breitbart and NO Obama T-shirts. Leaving Vote For Prosperity, Not Obama post it notes in movie theaters, on gas pumps, etc.
But I'm desperately seeking sneaky cohorts to join me!
I attended few local conservative meetings but found they were more talk and less action.
So I was really really excited when I arrived at the FreedomWorks mini Bootcamp on Saturday, June 2nd in Ivyland Pa.
There was a great turnout and the guys who led the bootcamp, Brendan Steinhauser and David Spielman were down to earth, laid back, yet inspiring.
Also joining them were the lovely Anastasia Przybylski and Ana Puig from the Bucks County Pa group: Kitchen Table Patriots. The Honorable Dick Armey - Former House Majority Leader - flew in from Dallas to talk to us (chairman of FreedomWorks). He was tan and motivational but I was disappointed he wasn't wearing cowboy boots!
Dave talked about Twitter - and how important it is (which is what I've been saying for-ever) - but also - I think these things are just as important going forward (for more info about the action item, click on the highlighted word)
Pinterest - Conservatives took over Twitter (though it took a few years). Conservatives can take over Pinterest too, and drown out all the liberal "pins" swimming all over the place.
PostIt Notes: - You can create your own political message urging people not to vote for Obama.
T-Shirts - Look, I'm a total fashionista. I love being a girl and dressing the part. However. Until Nov 6th, 2012, I will be wearing Conservative t-shirts EVERY DAY. I think this is such a simple yet powerful statement of solidarity and support!
For more ideas on actions you can take, please visit - the month of April was dedicated to actions Conservatives can take to put America on the path to lower taxes, limited government, and personal freedom.
I am ready willing and able to help local Patriots sign wave, rally, or simply talk politics over a beer and a burger - no matter were you are located! But if you're in the Doylestown/Chalfont area of Bucks County and want to get together for some political shenanigans, please contact me!
Make sure to checkout FreedomWorks - there is a "Freedom Connector" that will connect you with Patriots in your area. They also have many grass roots activities you can take part in on your own, or with a group.
I'll be attending the FreedomWorks Weekend Bootcamp this weekend in Washington DC. Very excited! I'll be Tweeting all weekend.
Cheers to getting the USA back on the Right track!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Rub Some Bacon On It
Thanks to my Dustin Alfortish on Twitter @alfortish who understands my love of both bacon and humor - this covers both perfectly! If you're not following Dustin on Twitter, you're missing out - he's a hell of a Patriot and has a wicked sense of humor!
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