Do you believe the military deserve NO MONEY? Because the author of Blue Stars (an anti-military book in the guise of a novel) does. Emily Gray Tedrowe pledged her support to the Occupy wackos - and the Occupy wackos believe that military should earn NO money. And of course, that Academia should earn the most money (selfish much?).
This book reads like liberal anti-military propaganda because it is. It is belittling and condescending toward military - and discriminates against Latinos - painting them as stupid, sleazy, drinking, organic food hating (seriously, the intellectual Ellen takes military Lacey to Wholefoods and Lacey is intimated by the mist being sprayed over the fresh vegetables...and...eggplant)
The military wives are painted as crass, trailer park trash. Lacey is a drinking, cursing, sex nypmh, who has an anxiety attack in Wholefoods because it's "healthy."
But Ellen, the Democrat/Liberal, of course, is intelligent (translation: pretentious), reads Edith Wharton, P.D. James, drinks Soy milk, hates Bush, reads Vogue, The New Yorker and then donates them to the hospital. She also has, of course, hired help for her house... Not doubt Ellen is a version of Emily.
My father was military, we have deployed family who spent 2 tours in Iraq and his wife is a graduate of Emory and is an ER doctor.
But I guess educated beautiful women don't fit the Democrat narrative that military spouses dye their hair with bleach, drink beer for breakfast, and sleep around.
This book is so ridiculous, so full of Michael Moore cliches, nothing original.
On page one you'll find all you need to about the author's intent of the book: "The Iraq war; brutal and pointless."
(Let's not forget, under Obama, we have 3 wars and he authorized military action in Libya, ramped up covert war in Yemen,
expanded drone warfare into Somalia, deployed troops in Uganda, South Sudan, the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and expanded Special Operations forces into 75 countries!)
If you're a military family looking for a positive, heartfelt, story, this is not it.
Tedrowe states this book was based on the Walter Reed scandal of 2007.
Ironically, she fails to mention the VA Scandal under the Obama administration.
In Walter Reed, none of our Vets died...under Obama's watch - Vets are waiting YEARS for benefits and at least 3 Veterans have died under this liberal administration.
Our Military should be held in high esteem - by all of America.
And if not for the military and the wars that have been fought - Emily Gray Tedrowe would not be able to publish such discriminatory, prejudiced, pretentious, propaganda and call it "literature."
I wonder if Tedrowe is going to donate the money she makes from this work to Wounded Warriors? Or, was this book simply an exploitation of political themes in order to pad her bank account, pay her expensive mortgage, and live in hypocrisy?
If you value our military - skip this.
If you are military, I'd like to say THANK YOU, I appreciate you and your service to our Country - no deployment is in vain and at least you have the courage to stand up for America while people like Tedrowe cowardly sit behind a desk and pen, preen and preach.
The only thing I take seriously is my Freedom. And Bacon.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Friday, February 13, 2015
Radical GirlScouts - New Racist Cookie "Al Sharpton Shortbread"
On February 10th 2015 – the GirlScouts were hijacked and humiliated by Christin Ayers,a spokesperson for the Division of Racist Hate in the Democrat Party who claims she's a journalist (hails from Berkley - shocker!)
CBS KPIX (San Francisco – odd that’s where Obama is fundraising at the moment!) posted a video and story claiming that there is a new Radical Brownie troop who looks like the Girl Scouts but instead of selling cookies, they are selling Social Justice because “white cops kill black people.”
Nowhere in the hit job on cops, did Ayers (related to Bill?) say the Black Panther supporting cop hating group of girls WERE NOT A PART OF GIRLSCOUTS.
She carefully worded the piece to that it would gain attention (stir up hate) and appear that this group was a part of GirlScouts. She ‘tagged’ the Girlscouts in her article initially, then after public outcry, she (or CBS) changed tag from GirlScouts to Scouts. However, the damage (attention seeking hate driving) has already been committed.
The GirlScouts contacted me and said, “This organization does not represent us.”
If this group of mentally abused children do not represent you, then perhaps the Girlscouts should lead by example and stand up loudly and very publicly to the Hijacking of their brand by Democrats, people calling themselves ‘’journalists” who are nothing more than PR Reps and asking for an apology and clarification from CBS KPIX.
Christin Ayers is a general assignment reporter for San Francisco CBS KPIX 5 News who states her highlight in life is meeting with Obama.
Do not rely on CBS, Christin Ayers nor any of their brand (hello, Brian Williams!) for honest information.
Clip of "Radical Brownies" saying "White cops kill black people!"
“If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news sources accordingly.”
― Thomas Sowell
CBS KPIX (San Francisco – odd that’s where Obama is fundraising at the moment!) posted a video and story claiming that there is a new Radical Brownie troop who looks like the Girl Scouts but instead of selling cookies, they are selling Social Justice because “white cops kill black people.”
Nowhere in the hit job on cops, did Ayers (related to Bill?) say the Black Panther supporting cop hating group of girls WERE NOT A PART OF GIRLSCOUTS.
She carefully worded the piece to that it would gain attention (stir up hate) and appear that this group was a part of GirlScouts. She ‘tagged’ the Girlscouts in her article initially, then after public outcry, she (or CBS) changed tag from GirlScouts to Scouts. However, the damage (attention seeking hate driving) has already been committed.
The GirlScouts contacted me and said, “This organization does not represent us.”
If this group of mentally abused children do not represent you, then perhaps the Girlscouts should lead by example and stand up loudly and very publicly to the Hijacking of their brand by Democrats, people calling themselves ‘’journalists” who are nothing more than PR Reps and asking for an apology and clarification from CBS KPIX.
Christin Ayers is a general assignment reporter for San Francisco CBS KPIX 5 News who states her highlight in life is meeting with Obama.
Do not rely on CBS, Christin Ayers nor any of their brand (hello, Brian Williams!) for honest information.
Clip of "Radical Brownies" saying "White cops kill black people!"
“If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news sources accordingly.”
― Thomas Sowell
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Amazon Now Censoring My Forum Posts
This is a response to the people on the Amazon Forum "Top Reviewers" - Amazon wouldn't post this because of objectionable content. I thought it might be the word "Craptastic" took that out and tried to repost. Still wouldn't go through. If anyone sees an obvious objectionable content, please let me know.
Too funny that my post is objectionable yet Amazon creates a show called Transgender. Whatev.
Thanks Amazon! Proving that Censorship of Differing Opinions is well and alive!
Yes, I'm a Vine member under my other account; when offered membership it said (and still says) if you have other Amazon accounts, the Vine membership will go under the account that is the highest ranked.
I received another email from Amazon stating that my reviews would not post because they were already posted (however....the Kindle Fire 6 review still remains - and it was posted under a family members account (still remains) when I was testing to see if the reviews that were 'flagged' would go through (they all did).
I did notice a review I'd written a long time ago for 10 Commandments of Propaganda was missing.
Is that "unique" reviewer Christopher M (I think) still around? If you review often I'm sure you know who I'm talking about. The reviewer who sort of reviews in odd absurd poetry blocks? I don't know if he's still around, but to delete political reviews is frightening. If Amazon is quietly shaving political reviews (or a worker w/in Amazon) it's disconcerting. I asked again WHY my account was blocked, reviews deleted, then reinstated. Nothing.
I kept my Vine account separate from my purchasing account FOR THE VERY REASON of NOT being accused of using my blog/social media to gain attention for my Vine account! I never ever blogged about being a Vine member, nor tweeted, etc prior to this happening.
So, my reviews for recipe books, Kindle, calendars, all remain.
The majority of my political reviews? Gone.
And if they leave a few political reviews up - it makes it a bit more difficult to say with certainty, "Well, if they were censoring your political views, wouldn't they censor them all?"
And who is to say that a few months from now, they might get flushed also?
Also, Amazon is contracting their rules constantly. Accusing people of manipulating reviews - but they want you to link your twitter account to your review account? So they want you to draw attention to a product, but only Amazon decides kind of attention they like?
Amazon manipulates reviews constantly - the Vine badge, The Top Reviewers etc; it's a false flag! I'd say 1/2 reviewers are simply trying to climb the ladder because 1)Ego 2)Freestuff - and the other half of the Vine reviewers/Top Reviewers take it seriously and are honest.
A solution might be - allow all reviews to go through. Allow people to decide if they want to "Mute" the reviewer like you can mute a person in a forum. Problem solved. It's very simple to figure out if a reviewer is being honest/authentic or biased - read some of their previous reviews. If you bought a book/item and bought it because it had a delusion of positive reviews but you didn't spend the extra time to check that the reviewer only had one or 2 reviews.
I know this because I've been suckered in - but I learned quickly.
My lesson learned in this craptastic mess; to people who take their reviewing seriously, start a blog at google blogger or wordpress for free - repost all your reviews. That way if you have someone who looks to your reviews for guidance, they can follow you and - more importantly, you'll have an easy to search for record of your reviews. And, also, you can control the haters and trolls by not allowing comments, blocking their IP, etc.
Have a fantastic day!
Too funny that my post is objectionable yet Amazon creates a show called Transgender. Whatev.
Thanks Amazon! Proving that Censorship of Differing Opinions is well and alive!
Yes, I'm a Vine member under my other account; when offered membership it said (and still says) if you have other Amazon accounts, the Vine membership will go under the account that is the highest ranked.
I received another email from Amazon stating that my reviews would not post because they were already posted (however....the Kindle Fire 6 review still remains - and it was posted under a family members account (still remains) when I was testing to see if the reviews that were 'flagged' would go through (they all did).
I did notice a review I'd written a long time ago for 10 Commandments of Propaganda was missing.
Is that "unique" reviewer Christopher M (I think) still around? If you review often I'm sure you know who I'm talking about. The reviewer who sort of reviews in odd absurd poetry blocks? I don't know if he's still around, but to delete political reviews is frightening. If Amazon is quietly shaving political reviews (or a worker w/in Amazon) it's disconcerting. I asked again WHY my account was blocked, reviews deleted, then reinstated. Nothing.
I kept my Vine account separate from my purchasing account FOR THE VERY REASON of NOT being accused of using my blog/social media to gain attention for my Vine account! I never ever blogged about being a Vine member, nor tweeted, etc prior to this happening.
So, my reviews for recipe books, Kindle, calendars, all remain.
The majority of my political reviews? Gone.
And if they leave a few political reviews up - it makes it a bit more difficult to say with certainty, "Well, if they were censoring your political views, wouldn't they censor them all?"
And who is to say that a few months from now, they might get flushed also?
Also, Amazon is contracting their rules constantly. Accusing people of manipulating reviews - but they want you to link your twitter account to your review account? So they want you to draw attention to a product, but only Amazon decides kind of attention they like?
Amazon manipulates reviews constantly - the Vine badge, The Top Reviewers etc; it's a false flag! I'd say 1/2 reviewers are simply trying to climb the ladder because 1)Ego 2)Freestuff - and the other half of the Vine reviewers/Top Reviewers take it seriously and are honest.
A solution might be - allow all reviews to go through. Allow people to decide if they want to "Mute" the reviewer like you can mute a person in a forum. Problem solved. It's very simple to figure out if a reviewer is being honest/authentic or biased - read some of their previous reviews. If you bought a book/item and bought it because it had a delusion of positive reviews but you didn't spend the extra time to check that the reviewer only had one or 2 reviews.
I know this because I've been suckered in - but I learned quickly.
My lesson learned in this craptastic mess; to people who take their reviewing seriously, start a blog at google blogger or wordpress for free - repost all your reviews. That way if you have someone who looks to your reviews for guidance, they can follow you and - more importantly, you'll have an easy to search for record of your reviews. And, also, you can control the haters and trolls by not allowing comments, blocking their IP, etc.
Have a fantastic day!
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Amazon Still Deleting Conservative Reviews
![]() |
Jack and Rocky: You thought you won your battle with Amazon! HAHAHAHA |
However, my review for the Kindle Fire 6 which I also did that day, is still live on the review page.
So, rating Conservative political books 5 stars - ZAPPED - rating Kindle Fire 6 - remains.
I've sent yet another email into Amazon. There are other reviews missing also, though I'm not sure which ones. Amazon was showing I had 95 reviews written as of last night when I updated the missing reviews, however, this morning it's only showing 81. I think some older reviews are missing - I'm pretty sure I did a review for The Ten Commandments of Propaganda
by Brian Anse Patrick quite awhile ago and it's no longer there.
What Amazon is doing is frightening - quietly deleting reviews - whether for politics or recipe books, someone paid for the experience (or product) - Amazon most often receives the money, and then due to complaints or perhaps personal ideology, deletes reviews. I don't care if you took time to craft it well or made it brief - you took the time. As a consumer, I count on reviews and I am smart enough to look at a wide variety of reviews, look at other reviews the reviewers have made (it's easy to spot a phony) and then make my choice. Now, just imagine what Amazon is doing and apply it to our government controlling the internet. I can barley get any answers from Amazon! Have you ever tried to deal with the IRS? Have you heard any of the stories from the Vets who are falling rapidly through the system because there are so many departments, rules, regulations, and no one knows what the other is doing? And you think somehow the Government is going to "protect" you?
Here are the reviews and the email confirmation they went through (these were from last night, however, they are showing the original date I posted the review. Also, when they reposted the reviews, the comments were gone (I'd gotten a few angry ones on my Philosophy 100 review)
Dear Laura Freed "Girl Medic",
| ||||
Your latest review has just gone live on Amazon. We and millions of shoppers on Amazon appreciate the time you took to write about your experience with this item.
Your reviewing stats
Would you like to add more to your review?
| ![]()
~Arthur Herman
By Laura Freed "Girl Medic" (Philadlephia, Pa)
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: The Cave and the Light: Plato Versus Aristotle, and the Struggle for the Soul of Western Civilization (Paperback)
I've had a slow awakening - questioning everything I've been told (not taught!) in school. Wow. Had I had this book many years ago, or been taught the basic principals of this book, I think success and happiness in life would have arrived much sooner.
I have this on audio (usually hate audio narration but the narration of The Cave And The Light has a fantastic lyrical yet bold voice) and plan of purchasing Kindle because I am constantly pausing to jot down notes. This book starts with Socrates and works its way into present day - explaining where original questions/possible answers to lifes questions started (and with who). The people that give this book one star or less have been spoon fed into the belief that men are born evil, the world is evil, and they are superior and that collective is the only way to go (ah, but someone must always rule even in a collective society and that is where the negative reviewers come in, as rulers who know better). This book is easy to listen and coming in at over 700 pages - there are a few boring moments - but they are very rare which, in a book so full of content, is remarkable (for me, anyway!). This book has shaped my life for the better. It is remarkable. I wish they would require this in school - perhaps starting in 7th grade? Thank you Arthur Herman! |
Your reviewing stats
Would you like to add more to your review?
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~Philip Stokes
By Laura Freed "Girl Medic" (Philadlephia, Pa)
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Philosophy 100 Essential Thinkers (Kindle Edition)
What I liked was that it was brief - only about 2 pages devoted to each philosopher. What I didn't like was that the author is very devoted to the idea of socialism and writes glowingly about Kant, Hegel, et al. If this were to be the first philosophy book I'd ever read, I might believe the very pretty, yet unrealistic, picture Stokes paints of those philosophers. I don't mind if an author is biased, as long as I know that going in.
Review your other purchases |
Monday, February 9, 2015
Amazon Reinstates Conservative Reviewer After Social Media Help
After posting publicly on blog and tweeting to 15,000 Twitters AND on Pinterest, Amazon has reinstated my personal account. I have a huge feeling they never would have bothered had I not had people retweeting and repinning. THANK YOU TWEETERS AND PINNERS!!!
I didn't quite have a massive melt down like Kayne West and it didn't get massive attention like, say, Justin Biebers hair - however, it goes to show the power of a few voices, and I thank you all so much and this is a great testimony to the big power small voices can have.
On 2/7 and 2/8 I had used the contact form on Amazon to ask why my reviews were deleted and blocked.
So, this is my account which was blocked (now back) Laura Freed "Girl Medic" - though missing my Stonewalled Review and How To Debate Leftists, though I wonder if it's because I then posted them on my Vine Account to test if they would go through? - Either way. I'm not touching any of them. Again,thank you! We are living in a time when social media is the glue holding our freedom together, and I am horrified to think what will happen if the Net Neutrality bill passes and government takes over the internet and our ability to blog, Tweet, Pin, Youtube etc...
Again, a reminder to copy your reviews and check them frequently to make sure they don't "accidentally"
Original Message To Amazon from me:
Comments:On 2/7 I noticed all my reviews had been deleted by Amazon and I was blocked from publishing new reviews.
Yet I was able to re-post the reviews under a family member's account - so there were obviously no violations in the review.
I've called, sent emails, and have received no answers (not even a reply that you've received my emails).
Why was my account blocked? How can it be restored?
Laura Freed -
I was answered by Amazon with this:
"Hello Laura,
We are unable to post your Customer Reviews to the Amazon website because your account activity indicates that you committed fraudulent activity from your account.
Customer Reviews are meant to give customers unbiased product feedback from fellow shoppers. Because our goal is to surface Customer Reviews that help customers make informed purchase decisions, any reviews that could be viewed as advertising, promotional, or misleading will not be posted.
To learn more about this policy, please review our Customer Review Guidelines ( and FAQs:
If you believe you should be eligible to write a Customer Review for our products, send additional details to us at
We hope to see you again soon."
My reply to review appeals:
I'd like specific examples. If I'm prohibited from using free speech - I'd like to be refunded ALL of my purchases, including my Kindle Fire. Also, will you be sending me copies of my reviews?
Then Amazon responded with:
Hello from Amazon.
We've removed Customer Reviews left by your account because it's come to our attention that you have violated our policies by manipulating Customer Reviews. Any attempt to manipulate ratings, feedback, or Customer Reviews is prohibited.
After reviewing your account, we've determined that your reviews will remain removed from the site. For more information, please review our Customer Review Guidelines (
We appreciate your cooperation."
Then I got BACK on social media, wrote another blog post, stepped away from the computer to do laundry, dishes, Yoga (because I am out of wine) trying to decompress, and when I get back on computer, I find this email:
From Review Moderator
Amazons Reply: 5:06 pm (Eastern Time)
We have re-evaluated your Customer Reviews and our previous response.
Your reviews have been reinstated as of 2/9/15 at 2:02 PM and you can see them now online.
Thank you,
Review Moderator"
I didn't quite have a massive melt down like Kayne West and it didn't get massive attention like, say, Justin Biebers hair - however, it goes to show the power of a few voices, and I thank you all so much and this is a great testimony to the big power small voices can have.
On 2/7 and 2/8 I had used the contact form on Amazon to ask why my reviews were deleted and blocked.
So, this is my account which was blocked (now back) Laura Freed "Girl Medic" - though missing my Stonewalled Review and How To Debate Leftists, though I wonder if it's because I then posted them on my Vine Account to test if they would go through? - Either way. I'm not touching any of them. Again,thank you! We are living in a time when social media is the glue holding our freedom together, and I am horrified to think what will happen if the Net Neutrality bill passes and government takes over the internet and our ability to blog, Tweet, Pin, Youtube etc...
Again, a reminder to copy your reviews and check them frequently to make sure they don't "accidentally"
Original Message To Amazon from me:
Comments:On 2/7 I noticed all my reviews had been deleted by Amazon and I was blocked from publishing new reviews.
Yet I was able to re-post the reviews under a family member's account - so there were obviously no violations in the review.
I've called, sent emails, and have received no answers (not even a reply that you've received my emails).
Why was my account blocked? How can it be restored?
Laura Freed -
I was answered by Amazon with this:
"Hello Laura,
We are unable to post your Customer Reviews to the Amazon website because your account activity indicates that you committed fraudulent activity from your account.
Customer Reviews are meant to give customers unbiased product feedback from fellow shoppers. Because our goal is to surface Customer Reviews that help customers make informed purchase decisions, any reviews that could be viewed as advertising, promotional, or misleading will not be posted.
To learn more about this policy, please review our Customer Review Guidelines ( and FAQs:
If you believe you should be eligible to write a Customer Review for our products, send additional details to us at
We hope to see you again soon."
My reply to review appeals:
I'd like specific examples. If I'm prohibited from using free speech - I'd like to be refunded ALL of my purchases, including my Kindle Fire. Also, will you be sending me copies of my reviews?
Then Amazon responded with:
Hello from Amazon.
We've removed Customer Reviews left by your account because it's come to our attention that you have violated our policies by manipulating Customer Reviews. Any attempt to manipulate ratings, feedback, or Customer Reviews is prohibited.
After reviewing your account, we've determined that your reviews will remain removed from the site. For more information, please review our Customer Review Guidelines (
We appreciate your cooperation."
Then I got BACK on social media, wrote another blog post, stepped away from the computer to do laundry, dishes, Yoga (because I am out of wine) trying to decompress, and when I get back on computer, I find this email:
From Review Moderator
Amazons Reply: 5:06 pm (Eastern Time)
We have re-evaluated your Customer Reviews and our previous response.
Your reviews have been reinstated as of 2/9/15 at 2:02 PM and you can see them now online.
Thank you,
Review Moderator"
Lois Lerner Working For Amazon?
Is Lois Lerner working for Amazon?
Still waiting for word from Amazon as to why, after many many years of reviews, they decide to delete and block my reviews... only after a few after I start positively reviewing Conservative authors. Many theories floating around but until I hear from Amazon, it's a moot point.
I will, however, update as soon as they provide solid explanation.
Totally regretting buying a Kindle Fire. Stick with Nook or Apple iPad. Amazon is like our Government now, too big to care about anything and too many departments not knowing what the hell the other is doing.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Amazon Blocks Conservative Reviewer - Photo History
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