CBS KPIX (San Francisco – odd that’s where Obama is fundraising at the moment!) posted a video and story claiming that there is a new Radical Brownie troop who looks like the Girl Scouts but instead of selling cookies, they are selling Social Justice because “white cops kill black people.”
Nowhere in the hit job on cops, did Ayers (related to Bill?) say the Black Panther supporting cop hating group of girls WERE NOT A PART OF GIRLSCOUTS.
She carefully worded the piece to that it would gain attention (stir up hate) and appear that this group was a part of GirlScouts. She ‘tagged’ the Girlscouts in her article initially, then after public outcry, she (or CBS) changed tag from GirlScouts to Scouts. However, the damage (attention seeking hate driving) has already been committed.
The GirlScouts contacted me and said, “This organization does not represent us.”
If this group of mentally abused children do not represent you, then perhaps the Girlscouts should lead by example and stand up loudly and very publicly to the Hijacking of their brand by Democrats, people calling themselves ‘’journalists” who are nothing more than PR Reps and asking for an apology and clarification from CBS KPIX.
Christin Ayers is a general assignment reporter for San Francisco CBS KPIX 5 News who states her highlight in life is meeting with Obama.
Do not rely on CBS, Christin Ayers nor any of their brand (hello, Brian Williams!) for honest information.
Clip of "Radical Brownies" saying "White cops kill black people!"
“If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news sources accordingly.”
― Thomas Sowell