The only thing I take seriously is my Freedom. And Bacon.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Connect With Local Patriots - FreedomWorks Leads The Way

Laura Freed & The Honorable Dick Armey
I am lovingggg FreedomWorks.
FreedomWorks stands for lower taxes, less government, more freedom.
As you know, I've been active in the community - wearing my Breitbart  and NO Obama T-shirts. Leaving Vote For Prosperity, Not Obama post it notes in movie theaters, on gas pumps, etc.
But I'm desperately seeking sneaky cohorts to join me!
I attended few local conservative meetings but found they were more talk and less action.
So I was really really excited when I arrived at the FreedomWorks mini Bootcamp on Saturday, June 2nd in Ivyland Pa.
There was a great turnout and the guys who led the bootcamp, Brendan Steinhauser and David Spielman were down to earth, laid back, yet inspiring.
Also joining them were the lovely Anastasia Przybylski  and Ana Puig from the Bucks County Pa group: Kitchen Table Patriots.  The Honorable Dick Armey - Former House Majority Leader - flew in from Dallas to talk to us (chairman of FreedomWorks).  He was tan and motivational but I was disappointed he wasn't wearing cowboy boots!
Dave talked about Twitter - and how important it is (which is what I've been saying for-ever) - but also - I think these things are just as important going forward (for more info about the action item, click on the highlighted word)

Pinterest - Conservatives took over Twitter (though it took a few years). Conservatives can take over Pinterest too, and drown out all the liberal "pins" swimming all over the place.

PostIt Notes: - You can create your own political message urging people not to vote for Obama.

T-Shirts - Look, I'm a total fashionista. I love being a girl and dressing the part. However. Until Nov 6th, 2012, I will be wearing Conservative t-shirts EVERY DAY. I think this is such a simple yet powerful statement of solidarity and support!

For more ideas on actions you can take, please visit - the month of April was dedicated to actions Conservatives can take to put America on the path to lower taxes, limited government, and personal freedom.

I am ready willing and able to help local Patriots sign wave, rally, or simply talk politics over a beer and a burger - no matter were you are located! But if you're in the Doylestown/Chalfont area of Bucks County and want to get together for some political shenanigans, please contact me!

Make sure to checkout FreedomWorks - there is a "Freedom Connector" that will connect you with Patriots in your area. They also have many grass roots activities you can take part in on your own, or with a group.

I'll be attending the FreedomWorks Weekend Bootcamp this weekend in Washington DC. Very excited! I'll be Tweeting all weekend.

Cheers to getting the USA back on the Right track!