Bespoke Bacon Mustache |
A few months ago, my friend Rob who owns Prism Brewery in North Wales suggested I "like" Bespoke Bacon on Facebook.
How could I NOT like a local uncured artisan bacon business?
On Facebook they posted updates that made me drool:
"In stock and ready for you we have:
- Signature
- Big Pepper
- Honey Apple
- Bloody Mary
Plus our sugar free flavors:
- Jalapeno-Cilantro
- Signature
- Big Pepper"
The response was almost immediate. turned out that Bryan, one of the founders, was going to be in my area and offered to drop it off - but since it might be really late (that means past 9pm for me) - we agreed that the mailbox would be the drop off point, "Use the code: The Pig Is In," I suggested, inspired by spy novel I've been reading - and having bacon delivered to my mailbox in the middle of the night seemed a bit exotic and covert.
Bespoke Jalapeno/Cilantro bacon |
I woke at 4 a.m. and hopped out of bed like Mark Wahlberg was waiting for me in the kitchen, but no, there was something even better: bacon.
I fried a small batch up and oh...geez, what an awesome way to start my day! The flavors were so perfect. Just a hint of jalapeno/cilantro - no heat at all for those who may be too afraid to try it. I noticed that the flavor is more pronounced when you let it cool a few minutes (I couldn't wait for that first taste and bit right in a sizzling hot strip).
I don't know the guys from Bespoke Bacon - but Bryan texted me, "Let me know what you think, and we always appreciate a shout out."
After tasting the jalapeno/cilantro bacon, I'm already planning on ordering my next flavor, and my next.
He asked for a shout out, yet part of me wants to keep it a secret. What will happen if I spread the word and they can't keep up with demand? No local bacon? Even Mark Wahlberg wouldn't be able to console me.
I can't keep it a secret giddiness over finding local bacon artisans has elevated me to full stalker mode - a bacon roadie who will babble to everyone who will listen about this great new band of bacon brothers.
Needless to say: I. Am. A. Fan.
Their website:
Great customer service, super speedy, local, natural, and bacon so damn flavorful...what's not to love?
I'm thinking this could start a whole new trend...right next to the mailbox...a baconbox (and when the bacon is delivered, it sends an oink alarm to your cell phone) - anyone got the number to Shark Tank?
If you decide to place an order, use the code words: The Pig Is In The Barn. It won't get you any sort of discount, but it will get you fabulous bacon.